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Quotes and Their Meaning..

Beyond Good and Evil, Kurt Vonnegut, Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be”.

  • Have you ever felt that there is a discrepancy between who you know you are and who people think you are? Deep inside you know you are not like that. We start every day by putting on a mask of invincibility and success. This is what gets us through the day alive and in one piece both physically and emotionally. But if we wear the mask at all times… if everyone knows us as the person in the mask… doesn’t it become the real you? Have you ever tried convincing someone that you are not like that? Not who they think you are? It’s almost impossible… it takes years… sometimes even a lifetime…

“I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.”

  • The center – something in the middle – neither here nor there – not much different from everyone else – safe. Only hardships make us value times of peace and happiness. Only sadness teaches us the value of bliss. The edge is where it all happens. The edge is being as close to the danger as possible. Looking it in the eyes and yet knowing better than to step over the threshold into the danger. Happiness is understood best from the depths of a depression.

“Life happens too fast for you ever to think about it. If you could just persuade people of this, but they insist on amassing information.”

  • Planing is good. Planing makes things organized. Planing makes sure that everything has a place and a time. Life is not like that. Life breaks rules and changes like the wind. Sometimes it much more valuable to be bold and simply live instead of waisting your life making plans about a future that might never happen.
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“In heaven all the interesting people are missing.”

  • (The following is a very personal opinion and is not meant to offend any-one’s religious beliefs) “Interesting people” are different. They dare to be different and live life as the chose. One way or another they step over the boundaries of what is acceptable by the society. I am not talking about crimes or murders or psychopaths. I am talking about not fitting in and refusing to blend. If following the rules blindly gets you to haven… if religion and sanctity is attempting to never make mistakes… I applaud those who dare and fall. I applaud those who crash and burn. At least they have tried. At least they have lived! At least they can say that every moment was worth it.

“Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself.”

  • Have you ever noticed that the best way to make sure that the person barelly remembers you the next day is to flood them with too much random pointless detail about your life? Sometimes more is less… Silence is golden…

What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.”

  • Love is separate… what is done out of love could not have been not done. Love pushes… and pulls… tears… and destroys. Without love we’d be nothing.

“For believe me: the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and greatest enjoyment is – to live dangerously.”

  • Those who have never tried will never know. Fearful will never grow and remain stagnant. Bravery is rewarded with knowledge regardless of whether the attempt was successful or not.
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“Is man merely a mistake of God’s? Or God merely a mistake of man’s?”

The ultimate debate… did God create us? Were we meant to be as dysfunctional and broken up as we are? Are we an experiment? A mistake? Or did we simply create God to explain things that we cannot and have a being to blame our misfortunes on?