Karla News

Quit Smoking with Chantix – Success Stories

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), tobacco is responsible for more than 5 million deaths per year worldwide, and that number is still on the rise. Of the 46.6 million adult smokers in the U.S., 70 percent report that they would like to quit smoking for good. Then why don’t they?

Many people who have tried to quit smoking say it is the hardest thing they have ever tried to do. However, the prescription drug, CHANTIX, may be making it easier. According to the CHANTIX website, “CHANTIX is a non-nicotine pill. It targets nicotine receptors in the brain, attaches to them, and blocks nicotine from reaching them.” Although not without side effects, CHANTIX has proven to be very effective in helping people quit smoking, even those who have smoked for decades and tried other methods which did not work.

Leann, a one pack a day smoker for 33 years, had tried nicotine gum, the patch, and
even a smoking cessation class offered by her employer. Nothing worked until she tried CHANTIX. She says, “I truly believe CHANTIX is a wonder drug, and I recommend it to anyone that wants to quit smoking.

Jordan, a one and a half pack a day smoker of 12 years, says she never really tried to quit smoking before using CHANTIX. “I would get really anxious just not having cigarettes with me.” Of her experience with CHANTIX, she says, “It wasn’t an instant fix. My first and second weeks, I would manage to make it three days without a cigarette and then crack.” But she stuck with it and finally quit. “I went from carrying them around with me for a couple weeks to leaving them at home in a drawer. Then one day I opened the drawer and realized I had no use for them anymore… and I tossed them.”

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Karen, another long-time smoker of 32 years says using CHANTIX “was the best thing I have ever done. I only had to take it for a month before I completely quit smoking.”

All three women report feeling better since they quit smoking with CHANTIX. Leann reports, “I am not short of breath anymore, my voice has changed from the gravelly one it was becoming, I don’t cough, and my sinuses are clear.

Although results vary from person to person, studies show that “44% of CHANTIX users were quit during weeks 9 to 12 of treatment.”


“CHANTIX Is Proven to Work,” CHANTIX.com

“How CHANTIX Works,” CHANTIX.com

“Smoking and Tobacco Use,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

E-interview with Leann on 3/30/2011

E-interview with Jordan on 3/29/2011

E-interview with Karen on 3/30/2011