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Questions for the Lawyer After a Car Accident

Expert Witness, Medical Expenses,

An automobile accident can really turn your life upside down. From the moment of impact, you are flooded with forms to fill out, and this can greatly add to the stress you already feel due to injuries and trauma resulting from the accident. It is a good idea to hire a lawyer to protect your rights. When trying to decide with which lawyer to go, ask the following questions:

1. I cannot afford to pay any money up front for filing fees, court costs, and expert witness fees. Are you willing to forward the money to adequately pursue my personal injury case? Will you keep me up to date on all of your expenses and discuss with me the need for different expenses?

2. What happens if I lose the case: Do I still have to pay you?

3. What percentage of my settlement will go to you? Is it higher if we go to trial? Can I get this agreement in writing and have a signed copy?

4. Do you charge a fee for recovering my past medical expenses? In other words, is your percentage taken from the total recovery (including medical expenses) or on what is recovered in addition to my medical expenses?

5. Do you charge me fees for consultations, opening my file, copies, long distance, etc.?

Once you get a lawyer, you may not know exactly what questions to ask your lawyer. Here are some questions to keep in mind so that you can be a well-informed client:

1. Can I recover compensation for medical expenses incurred in the treatment of my injuries? What about future medical costs? Actual loss of wages? Loss of future wages? Loss of enjoyment of life? Mental pain and anguish?

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2. What do you need from me to prove that I have incurred loss of enjoyment of life and mental pain and anguish?

3. I cannot afford to pay anything out-of-pocket. Once my Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance runs out, what do I do with the medical/physical therapy bills that I am receiving in the mail?

4. After my disability income runs out, how am I going to pay my living expenses until my case settles? Can you investigate to see if I have more coverage so that I can get the maximum benefits available?

5. Should I make a claim with the other driver’s insurance company? Can you take care of all of the paperwork, phone calls, and negotiations, so that I can focus on recovering? What would you recommend that I say if the other driver’s insurance company contacts me?

6. What is my case worth? In other words, what would be a satisfactory amount of an offer to accept?

7. If the offer is below this amount, should I sue? And if so, what is the time limit for filing this type of claim?

8. If I am permanently disabled, will I qualify for social security disability benefits? Can you help me with this claim? Should I be keeping records, such as mileage?

Knowing the right questions to ask your lawyer will help you to be a better-informed consumer. Being in a car accident is traumatic enough. You don’t need the additional stress of worrying about how to recover your losses. By asking the right questions, you will get the answers you need most efficiently.