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Profitable Craft Fair Idea: Seed Bead Napkin Rings

Beading, Napkin Rings

Make money at the next local craft fair or on your favorite craft web site with these DIY Seed Bead Napkin Rings. They are bright, fun and anyone can make them.
Profitable Craft Fair Idea: Pricing Tips

Finding a profitable craft fair idea means selling a hand-crafted item that is not found on every other craft table. This can be difficult at some local,non-juried craft fairs. Craft ideas tend to go through cycles of popularity, and it’s important to find a craft item before it becomes too popular.

Use this Seed Bead Napkin Ring craft to sell individual items or sets. Offer both options to craft fair customers. It’s a good idea to create some pre-made sets of these Seed Bead Napkin Rings ahead of time, for craft fair shoppers.

By offering single Seed Bead Napkin Rings as well, you make it easier for the craft fair shopper to mix and match the colors they like. Do not underestimate the power of one. Selling one or two Seed Bead Napkin Rings to 50 customers can be more profitable than selling less than a dozen sets.

Price the Seed Bead Napkin Rings fairly. The materials will be inexpensive for this craft, but the cost to you will be the time it takes to make them. Price the Seed Bead Napkin Rings accordingly. Consider how much time each one takes you, from the first one to the last one. Add up your total time and find the average. Figure out how much your time is worth, and how much you want to be paid hourly.

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Also consider the local craft market and time of year when pricing. Seasonal colors will sell at higher prices, as will holiday colors.

Considerations Before Making the Seed Bead Napkin Rings

This Seed Bead Napkin Rings is best suited to any crafter with patience, manual dexterity and keen eyesight. Stringing the tiny seed beads requires precision. Because of the intricate work involved, this craft fair idea may not be for every crafter.

Seed Bead Napkin Rings Supplies

1. Seed beads in a variety of colors

Tip: Start with one or two colors, without overbuying. It’s best to try to make a few samples first to see if you and the Seed Bead Napkin Rings are a good match. Seed beads come in a variety of sizes. beginners can start with larger seed beads and buy their needles in a compatible size.

2. A Bead Nabber

A bead nabber is a handy tool which helps the tiny beads stick to a finger, making them easier to thread. A bead nabber costs under two dollars.

3. A Fine Beading Needle

Beading needles, like seed beads, come in a variety of sizes. Use a beading needle that will work with the seed beads you purchased. Exact sizes are not given here because it depends on your preference and which seed beads you purchased.

Tip: Head to the local bead store to find seed beads you like. The bead store staff will gladly assist you in finding the right sized needle.

4. A Beading Tray

Beginners do not have to purchase special beading trays. Many household or holiday items can be used as a beading tray. I have used an old Easter egg painting palette, or a recycled egg carton.

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5. Nymo Beading Thread

Purchase Nymo Beading Thread that also matches the size of your beads and your needle. Start with clear Nymo beading thread. Or for the Seed Bead Napkin Rings use a thread matching the bead color.

Making the Seed Bead Napkin Rings

1. Step One: Make a Circle

The first step in making a Seed Bead Napkin Ring is to make a small string of beads and tie it in a circle. The inner circumference of the circle should be wide enough to hold a cloth napkin, about an inch and a half wide.

For one Seed Bead Napkin Ring make about 10 beaded circles.

Tip: Making small circles is a great way for beginners to start beading.

2. Step Two: Tie the Bead Circles Together

Once the beaded circles are made, thread the needle with some clear Nymo beading thread. Weave the needle in and out of each circle, holding them together. Tie a knot when finished, sealing the knot with a tiny bit of wax.

Do the same on the opposite side.

Now you have a Seed Bead Napkin Ring.


1. Advanced Coil Method:

Make one long strand of beads with a more wiry thread. Then coil the beads together to make a solid-colored napkin ring.

2. Multi-colored Rings

When you make individual circles, it opens up the possibilities of creating multi-colored Seed Bead Napkin Rings. Alternate two or three colors to make holiday patterns or seasonal Seed Bead Napkin Rings.
