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Potty Training Toddlers: Make the Switch from Diapers to Underwear

Potty Training Toddlers, Training Pants, Underwear

No one ever said that teaching your child to use the toilet would be easy! It’s far from it actually. There are several aspects to potty training. They all need to be taken into consideration equally. Potty training can be broken down into steps and simplified for both you and your toddler. The first step to take when you and you’re child are ready to train is to make the switch from diapers to underwear.

Now remember, this really step really also is the introduction you’re child has to potty training. Remember to keep your attitude very positive. Be encouraging and always speak in a calm and gentle tone of voice.

Up until now your child has worn diapers. It has been normal to “go” when needed into that diaper. Since birth that’s just the way it has been for your toddler. They are used to doing it that way. Parents need to first understand this before they can make this switch.

Why? Why is that so important? Well…that’s because it’s time to learn to use the toilet. No more diapers. Diapers get replaced with underwear. Yeah, we know all about underwear. They are nothing like diapers, right? Opposites, they are, if fact. Diapers are to go in, underwear should not be gone in. It’s okay to go in diapers, it’s not okay to go in underwear.

Back to the importance of you understanding you’re child is accustomed to going in diapers now. All of a sudden underwear come along. They are new and opposite to your child. They do not understand why they cannot go in their underwear until you teach them. That takes about two weeks to fully do. They are used to not having to think twice about going in their diaper. They may forget all about wearing underwear and just go. This is considered a potty training accident to us, and life back to normal to the toddler.

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How well toddlers potty train depends on two things. One, how consistent and encouraging you are, and two, how they adapt to change. Children adapt to changes better when parents are consistent and encouraging.

So, knowing all of that now, here is what to do. Start with disposable training pants. They are like diapers in absorbency and protection against accidents, but can be put on and look like “real underwear”. Really, they make life so much easier when accidents do happen than cloth underwear do. Switch to cloth underwear once your child has a good grip on and understanding of potty training.

When accidents happen it’s important to not change your child like they are wearing a diaper. Your toddler may try to lay down for their change, but that’s how diapers are changed. Underwear are slid off while standing up. Also, they are put on one leg at a time. It is very important to use training pants as if they were actual cloth underwear. If you don’t your toddler will use them as a diaper.

Offer fresh underwear after every accident. Keep reminding your toddler that underwear need to stay fresh and dry, that they are different than diapers. Let them know that when kids are not babies anymore they are big enough to learn to use the potty like big people do. Keep up the encouragement and make the switch to underwear. You’ll have a successfully potty trained child in a short time!