Karla News

Planning a Bachelorette Party in Denver

Bachelorette Party, Hot Guys

A bachelor party is synonymous with drunken folly, strippers and guys who behave badly. All this occurs within a few days of getting married and for some couples, the one night of antics has been their undoing. Of course, the bride-to-be and her party are expected to behave more tastefully, since she’s giving herself to the man she loves. Sure, whatever. Give the guys some competition by making sure that the bride-to-be has an unforgettable time! Am I saying that women should behave badly as well? The jury’s out on that question. It’s best to simply plan a day for the new bride to enjoy herself and not have to plan at least one day surrounding her wedding.

While attending a couple of these celebrations, I noticed that the bridal party wasn’t having any fun. In one situation, the bachelorette was miserable because she couldn’t get in touch with the bachelor. The bachelorette party lost two of the women to hot guys. The rest of the party was trying to console the bride-to-be and forgot to have fun themselves. Not to mention the venue was a small bar where no one knew anyone else.

Some of these problems are easy to remedy. Let’s go through the day for the bridal party. Keep in mind that the ideal bachelorette party consists of a full day of “girl time.” You have the rest of your life (we hope) to spend with the man you love. The day of the party is all about girl stuff!

9am – 11am: Breakfast at The Egg and I, conversation and planning the remainder of the day.

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12pm – 1:30pm: Nails, hair, face, feet done at salon or spa for the entire bridal party.

2:00pm – 3:00pm: Have a light lunch at Elways downtown, on the go, to keep physical energy levels just right. Try to avoid greasy, heavy foods that could cause stomach problems into the evening.

3:30pm – 5:00pm: Mall Trip! Visit Cherry Creek Mall (centrally located). Buy last minute items necessary to make tonight fun. Don’t forget to pitch in as a group and get the bride-to-be a small gift ($50 collectively is acceptable).

5:30pm – 8:00pm: Rest. Get dressed.

8:30pm – 1:00am: PARTY!!!! Downtown Denver is alive and thriving with sophisticated, slinky, moderate sized clubs and cocktail lounges. Blue Ice,The Lure Lounge, and the Dive on Fifteenth (formerly Tryst Lounge). Just a note: male dancers travel; make the night interesting.

Tips for the evening:

-Choose three top locations to take the bachelorette and make sure that they know in advance that you’re bringing a party. They will likely want to know how many of you will be attending so that they can offer specials, such as drinks and appetizers.

-Make sure the bride-to-be has very little to be concerned about this day. She has been exhausted making wedding plans and appreciates having a day of fun that only involves her making the appearance.

-If a bachelor party is going on the same day, KEEP HER OCCUPIED! She does not need to spend her whole day and evening making sure that her man is not at a strip club.

-Maintain a relaxed atmosphere and just make sure the nervous bride has a good time (even if it involves a male revue)!