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Paint Your Bedroom in Comfortable Colors

Thinking of painting your bedroom? What color are you considering? You may want to take a minute and think about your color choices and what they can do for you. Color can make an impact on you whether you know it or not and depending on how much time you spend in your bedroom, your color choices can affect you in a positive or negative way, all day, or all night long.

If your bedroom is your sanctuary, the place you go into to get away from it all, then you may want to consider the color green. Green has a relaxing, tranquil, quality to it and there are many variations of the color green. You can add other relaxing colors like blues and browns too. If you like more neutral colors, then browns and beiges or earth tones go well in a bedroom also. Painting your bedroom in these colors will give you the feeling of comfort and safety when you step inside.

If you’re thinking of a more “happy” color then you may want to try yellows and oranges, in calm or pastel tones of course. These two colors tend to make people feel happy and positive. Too much yellow is not a good idea however, because even though this color can make you happy, looking at it for too long will have the reverse affect and you will start feeling irritated and restless. The color orange can make you hungry and could have you “midnight snacking” more than you’d like.

If you’re really a girly, girl, or your painting your daughter’s room, pink may be the color for you. Pink also has a calming affect and many feel it’s next to impossible to feel aggressive when surrounded by this color. Purple is also a good calming color and most children, especially girls, truly like this color.

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Colors that are not good to paint a bedroom are white, black and red. Although most interior color for a home, condo or apartment is white, most people change it as soon as they can. White will make a small bedroom look larger and it can be soothing, actually too soothing since it creates no stimulation within the brain whatsoever.

Red on the other hand is too stimulating because it’s been proven to speed up the metabolism. It is the color of passion and romance so if you want to heat up your bedroom a bit, buy some nice red silk sheets and pillow cases, this should be enough red to passion things up for you.

Many people don’t like black because it’s the color of gloom and doom and can give a person nightmares. Many relate black with the color of death and evil. Mostly though, you may feel like you’re in a cave or dungeon but if this is what you’re into…

Thank goodness we can paint our living domains any color we want and we do. All that matters is that our color choices are ours to make and if we are happy with our choice, that’s all that matters. What ever colors you choose remember to give yourself plenty of time to paint. There is nothing worse than a bad paint job and even though it’s your bedroom and you don’t think many will see it, you will and if you mess up a spot on the wall, your eyes will go directly to that spot every time you walk into that room, whether you want them to or not. Take you time and happy painting.