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Online Chat Etiquette: Being Polite Without Actually Being There

For some, especially younger people, the Internet is a source of welcome anonymity, from which they feel safe to spew some of the most vulgar and hateful speak ever heard. The warm, comforting blanket of the Internet makes some people feel like they can do away with any sense of etiquette.

However, as more and more people use the Internet, it is important to realize that it is just one more form of communication, and there are generally accepted rules of conduct online as well. If you are knew to the Internet, as I was at one time, you may make some serious communication errors without even knowing it, and thereby offend someone without meaning too. A little bit of knowledge about it in the beginning can save you a lot of frustration and possible miscommunication.

First off, it is important to realize that you can still get into trouble for what you say online. It may be the ‘wild, wild web’, but people have still lost jobs, been sued, and even been arrested for their conduct online. Also, keep in mind that the Internet is mostly a public place and what you say may quickly become known by people you don’t even know at all. Be smart online.

When chatting, posting on a web forum, or even just writing on a blog, do not write in all caps. Make sure to especially avoid this in email writing as well, as it makes the reader feel like you are shouting at him. I’ve even seen some poorly written books do this, and it makes reading the book an much less enjoyable experience. Also, try to avoid the use of profanity-while it may be somewhat unavoidable in some circumstances, it really makes you look bad, and some places will ban users that frequently break rules regarding foul language.

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Don’t stress out over misspelling a few words, but don’t let the fact that you are on the Internet throw every bit of grammar and spelling rule out the window either. Too many people think they Internet allows them to suddenly misspell and mistype everything, and this is generally not a good idea. You will come off looking like an immature adolescent, and not really be taken very seriously on many web forums or in a chat conversation.

Try and always let people know before you are leaving, and about to sign off. It is generally considered rude to just leave a conversation or just disappear from a chat. A little ‘cya’ or ‘bye!’ goes along way.

Be familiar with the common abbreviations and the Internet jargon that is often used in many chat rooms and on different forums. Stuff like ‘brb’, ‘rofl’, ‘pwn’, ‘nub’, and ‘lol’ may confuse some first time users, and you’ll be more respected if you do not have to go around asking everyone what each little acronym or phrase means. Consider reading up on the commonly used ones before venturing into too many chat conversations.

Finally, be nice. It is not too much to ask, and many a tense situation can be diffused that way. There are some people that go around looking for trouble, offline and online, and it is just best to ignore them, especially in online games. Many programs even a have ‘mute’ or ‘ignore’ function that you can enable to block out especially annoying people. It’s best to just be nice, play it safe, and ignore those troublemakers. Help make the ‘Net a better place, and show a little kindness. Keep these tips in mind, and go enjoy the Internet!