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New York City Massage Parlors

Bodywork, Massage, New York City

There’s nothing like a relaxing and stress reducing massage. New York City offers a large number of excellent massage parlors that will satisfy your massage needs.

Now, make no mistake. Massage parlors, particularly in New York City are places where one should, shall we say, tread lightly. Massage parlors can give you an excellent massage experience and, well, then some. For what is a sexy city to begin with, its massage parlors hold their own for excitement. Many would compare the experience favorably to a trip to a Big Apple area strip club or even anarea swingers club.

The point of this review of New York City massage parlors is not to pass judgment on the ethics of certain types of massages. The New York city massage parlors reviewed here are known for great massages as well as ‘happy endings’. If you need clarification of what a ‘happy ending’ massage entails, then I cannot help you.

Suffice to say that happy endings are an integral part of the New York City massage parlor experience.

But not all New York City massage parlors are created equal; in fact, not all massages will include everything that you might want. The most important facet of a massage parlor is, to me, the massage itself. Is it well executed? Did the masseuse act rushed or did she put you at ease that time was not a factor? Was the massage parlor clean? And, finally, was the ‘happy ending’ executed with care and enthusiasm, or was it mechanical and cold?

The following are the best New York City Massage parlors. While each does offer a happy ending, there are many more reasons to visit each one beyond the sensual aspect.

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Spa Sol Massage Parlor
4 West 33rd Street
New York, NY

Spa Sol is becoming a bit of an institution on the New York City massage parlor scene. This massage parlor is clean, comfortable and well appropriated. The masseuses are attractive and customer focused. Spa Sol offers a table shower service, a dry and wet sauna, and one of the best massages in all of New York City. As with the best massage parlors around, the happy ending is never discussed; rather it is just done with care and enthusiasm. Spa Sol is not to be missed.

West Garden Spa Massage Parlor
243 West 30th Street
New York, NY

The West Garden Spa is probably the best known happy ending massage parlor in all of New York City. While it can be more crowded than others, such as Spa Sol, it is clean and friendly. The masseuses at West Garden Spa seem to really take pride in every facet of the massage. During a recent visit, I almost didn’t want the Happy Ending to come quite yet as the work that the masseuse was doing on my back and shoulders was outstanding.

Garden Retreat Spa Massage Parlor
253 5th Avenue
New York, NY

The Garden Retreat Spa is one of the newer ‘happy ending’ massage parlors in New York City. But it is quickly garnering a reputation as a great massage parlor. One of the things that the Garden Retreat massage parlor offers is a couples room. One may wonder why ocuples would be interested in a room together in a massage parlor. Well, not everybody goes to massage parlors, even in New York City, for a happy ending. And, believe it or not, some wives enjoy watching their husbands receive a happy ending massage.

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The Garden Retreat Spa is clearly one of the best massage parlors in all of New York City.

East Salon Massage Parlor
51 East 42nd Street
New York, NY

The East Salon Massage Parlor is well kept and clean. It is known as a place that offers a ‘four hands’ massage, which will literally double your pleasure as instead of two hands, you will have four working your back and muscles. The massages are well done and professional, and you will enjoy a happy ending before leaving.

Mings Great Asian Bodywork Massage Parlor

135 West 58th
New York, NY

Mings is a hidden gem of a massage parlor. Located on the west side of Manhattan in New York City, Mings is small and cozy. There is no need for a reservation for a massage at Mings. Show up and they will accommodate you. The masseuses are lovely and friendly and they make sure that yours is a happy ending.

So long as your spouse or significant other has no issue with it, consider one of these massage parlors in New York City and enjoy a great massage along with a happy ending!