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New York Brand Texas Toast Croutons

Food Writer, Marzetti, Texas Toast

If you’ve ever eaten New York brand Texas Toast, you know how tasty those big, seasoned slices of bread are. If you’ve never eaten it, try it. Chances are you’ll like it. Now, New York brand Products has introduced a line of delicious croutons. New York brand Texas Toast Croutons are available in five different flavors.

These delicious bread cubes rise the status of croutons from mere salad afterthoughts, to new heights of gastronomic glory. Presented here, in an effort to assist the consumer, is one food writer’s product review of New York brand Texas Toast Croutons.

The net weight of each of the standard sized containers of New York Texas Toast Croutons is five ounces. Each container holds approximately 20 two tablespoon servings. Be aware that these croutons taste so good, you may eat a serving before any croutons reach a salad.

There are seven different flavors of New York Texas Toast Croutons. They are Caesar Croutons, Cheese & Garlic Croutons, Garlic & Butter Crouton Sea Salt & Pepper Croutons and Seasoned Croutons.

The regular retail price charged for one five ounce container of New York Texas Toast Croutons at Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets is approximately $1.49. These tasty croutons are also sometimes on sale, for approximately $1 per package.

Nutritional Facts
Each variety of New York Texas Toast Croutons contains 35 calories, with 15 calories from fat, per two tablespoon (7 grams) serving. Each variety also contains 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams trans fat and 1.5 grams total fat. The sodium level in each variety varies, however.

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These croutons feature a very pleasing texture that would be hard to replicate from scratch. They maintain the same crispy yet soft texture that is offered by regular New York brand Texas Toast. When added to a salad, they offer a chewy texture that almost steals the show.

In my years of working as a restaurant cook, I developed a way of preparing and cooking croutons that made them golden brown and crispy on the exterior and moist and chewy on the inside. This was attained by using the right amount of vegetable oil and by cooking them at low heat. New York Texas Toast Croutons offer the same delightful texture, which they claim is achieved by twice baking.

No matter how they do it, these croutons deliver a very satisfying texture that is nothing like the hard croutons that are often served on salads. To me, the texture of these croutons is very similar to that of very good garlic bread.

Taste / Flavor
So far, I have eaten two varieties of New York Texas Toast Croutons: the Garlic & Butter flavor and the Seasoned variety. Both varieties are very tasty and they add a lot of flavor to any salad.

Actually, these croutons taste so good, I could eat them plain, as a snack. If I were to compare the flavor of these croutons to any other food item, it would be garlic bread, the type that is served at pizza restaurants.

New York brand Texas Toast Croutons are packaged in a foil like pouch that is attractively designed. The beige front labels feature close up illustrations of the enclosed croutons in salads and the rear labels list all relevant ingredient and nutrition information The pouch is easy to open and it is also resealable.

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Overall Rating
All things considered, New York Texas Toast Croutons are very tasty croutons that are also reasonably priced. If you think croutons are boring and flavorless, try eating some of the New York Texas Toast varieties. These products are recommended by this food writer.

Sources :
Personal experience with the product

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