Natural Fat Burning Supplements

Every time you see ripped athletes or bodybuilders, you may be wondering if you could ever get a perfect body. The truth is that you actually can make a great-looking body. In addition to a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, you get a little help with this by taking natural fat burning supplements. You may already have one or more of these fat burners in your own kitchen cupboards. What’s more, these supplements are all natural and come with little or no risk of side effects.

Whey Protein

If you are trying to improve your body composition and lose fat, you should increase your protein intake. Eating more protein should by first on your list. Why? Because protein really helps burn fat. A 2008 clinical study showed that subjects who ate 125 grams of protein per day lost seven pounds more body fat than those who followed a diet lower in protein. Increasing dietary protein is also useful because it helps maintain muscle mass. Muscle requires much more energy to maintain than fat. Whey protein powder is a great way to add protein to your diet. Whey protein powder can be mixed with skim milk or juice. You can also mix it into fruit smoothies to carbo-load a workout – or try a whey protein shake for breakfast.

Green Tea

Green tea has been used for thousands of years in Asian cultures. For centuries people have relied on green tea to treat a number of ailments and strengthen the immune system. The chemical compounds in green tea are not only useful for these issues, but they also contain substances that help burn fat. These chemical ingredients are called polyphenols – or more specifically, catechins. The main catechins in green tea are epicatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, and epigallocatechin. According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the catechins in green tea have been shown to activate the body capacity to burn fat through thermogenic activity.

Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia is a natural appetite suppressant. The active ingredient comes from the Hoodia Gordonii, a cactus that grows mainly in the desert regions of South Africa. Hoodia has been used by indigenous peoples of South Africa to help control hunger and thirst during long hunting trips. Today, Hoodia Gordonii is a protected plant that cannot be harvested wild by individuals, although some companies have been authorized to do so by the South African Council for Scientific Research. It takes about five years before the plant’s light purple flowers appear and can be harvested for use. Luckily, you can get this all-natural appetite suppressant in capsule form at many health food stores and pharmacies.


Not all fats are created equal; some are good, some bad. Among the types of good fats are those found in salmon, mackerel and other fatty fish. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, which improves health. This fatty acid also has positive effects on weight loss and body composition. Participants in a study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition lost more fat when they ate fatty fish once per day – or used omega-3 capsules – than those who did not. As more and more people are concerned about their health in general, many are considering integrating essential fatty acids to their diet. Since the body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids on its own, you should get it either from food sources or supplements.


All these natural fat burning supplements can be effective to help you lose weight. Before using them, however, you should consult with your physician about their safety. Some of these supplements will not be suitable for you if you are under 18 or pregnant. While these are all natural products with few known side effects, certain health conditions may cause conflicts.

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