Karla News

Make Your Own “Home Sweet Home” Plaque

Paintbrushes, Plaque

Making a “Home Sweet Home” plaque is fun and easy, and no home should be without one. This is a project that anyone can make with very little effort. The tools are minimal, and the time spent on the project is up to you.

To get started on this project, find a piece of wood or cardboard and cut it to the size you want it. If you don’t know what size to cut it at, here is a good size: 12″ x 18″. Paint the area where you want the “Home Sweet Home” to appear, and carefully draw in the letters before you paint them in.

Okay, so you picked a nice piece of wood and you want to do a great job. Sand the wood down smooth and paint a border in around the edges with a ruler as a guide. You can make a double border and use a different color in between them than what is on the outside of them.

The only tools you really need to do a great job with this are:

1″ wide brush
a narrow thin brush for details
any color of paints you want – acrylic works well
a straight edge – ruler
cardboard or wood panel
spray on enamel

Really! That’s all you need. Let’s say you have your border painted in, “Home Sweet Home” is painted in, but yet something is missing. Why not paint in a colonial house? Usually the simplest design will illuminate your “Home Sweet Home” message to everyone.

Now paint in some bushes, trees, flowers and clouds. You might even want to paint in x’s and o’s between the borders all the way around. Curtains in the windows would be nice, too.

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Remember, this is yours and you can paint it however you like. Maybe you are unsure of what to put on it other than “Home Sweet Home.” That is okay. Go grab some magazines and browse through them. Maybe you will find something that will spark your imagination. That didn’t help?

Look online by going through images at Google Images. Surely you will find something. I like to go to craft stores, malls, antique stores and many other places to see what others have done with various projects. This is my catalyst for helping me to make original designs and artwork. You can do the same thing if you really push yourself at it.

Are you done painting? Okay, spray on the enamel finish and let it dry. Now you are ready to hang this up on your wall, and let others admire it when they come to visit you. I bet yours looks awesome!
