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Make Some Fast Cash When You Really Need it Now

Fast Cash

“Well, you see I would have paid my car note, except you see, I didn’t have any money get a stamp out of one of those machines.” Let’s see how far that one flies with the repo guy. So, you need some cash now, because to tell you the truth there is actually just a little less in the checking account than there should be. Well, we’ve got to make some cash fast. Here are some bona fide guaranteed ways to keep that car in the driveway. Now, you won’t get rich, but it just might get you by. So, here are my favorite ways to get some fast cash when you really need it.

1.In a word, eBay. You can eBay almost anything lying around the house. There is a buyer for almost anything. That junk cluttering up your closet just might be the valuables that someone else has been looking for. Try selling DVD, CD’s, good clothes, electronics, books and collectibles. There are fees involved. You can read all about it at www.eBay.com

2.How about your local consignment shop? They are just sitting there waiting for your used but still in good quality stuff. Most consignment shops specialize in used clothing, but there are all types out there. Check your telephone yellow pages for some shops in your area.

3.The Ma and Pa pawn shop. You might not get top dollar for your stuff, but come on if you weren’t deep in the straights you wouldn’t be reading this article, now would you? Just load up your stuff, primarily electronics, DVD’s, game consoles and not to forget the jewelry and drive it or walk it as the case might be down there. Take it to the counter, fill out the necessary paperwork and someone will make you a piece-by-piece offer. You decide if you want to accept it or not. They will then give you the cash and receipt. You usually have a set amount of time that you can return and reclaim you merchandise, for a price of course.

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4.How about some handy dandy yard work, errands, etc? Lots of people out there will gladly pay you to do the things they don’t want to. I mean if I could pay someone to walk behind my dog and scoop the poop … well, you get the picture. Just let your imagination run wild. And besides a weekend gig, this could really be the start of a real home-based business.

5.What about taking all the stuff that didn’t sell on eBay, or the consignment shop turned you down, or the pawn shop owner just laughed at you when you put it on the counter and putting it on a table and setting it out in the front yard and selling it for profit? It’s called a yard sale. Yes, you heard me. A yard sale. Just last weekend, with almost nothing to sell, or so I thought, I made a quick sixty-five dollars. Hey, that’s sixty-five dollars! Do you know what I can do with that kind of cash? Well, I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know when I figure it out. Just be sure you check with the city you live in to see if you need a permit for the sale.

6.What the local craft show is next weekend? Well, yes I do know how to use a glue gun. Sew? Well, sort of. But I’m sure I can put together something! I could use another sixty-five bucks!

These are just a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing. Let your mind and a little of your ego go. You will be surprised what you can come up with! Now, get up off your laurels. You’ve got some fast cash to make. And be sure to park the car in the garage!