Karla News

Make Garlic Braids for Holiday Gift Giving

Gatlinburg Tn

Do you adore the taste of garlic? What about your family, friends and co-workers? Do they share your enthusiasm? If so, you may want to consider making a garlic braid for each of them. Based on my experience, homemade garlic braids make superb gifts for foodies. They are also easy and fairly inexpensive to make. Here’s how to create one:

Garlic Braid Making Supplies

In order to complete this project, you will need a roll of natural twine, a package of 24 gauge floral wires, a package of raffia, a pair of scissors and multiple heads of garlic with the tops still attached. You’ll also want to purchase a spray can of clear polyurethane. The majority of the craft supplies mentioned may be purchased through your local craft store. When it comes to the garlic heads, you may use ones from your own garden or buy them at the local grocery store. You may also want to consider using a mix of white garlic and black garlic heads to give your braid an additional visual impact. The choice is yours.

Assembling the Garlic Braid

Begin the garlic braid making process by grabbing three garlic bulbs, a pair of scissors and the roll of natural twine. Use your scissors to remove a 6 foot long piece of natural twine from the roll. Then use that twine to tie the stems of the three garlic bulbs together. Next, braid the garlic stems together with the twine as if you were braiding someone’s hair. Keep going by adding additional garlic heads and twine until you are happy with the length of the garlic braid. Once you reach the end of the garlic braid, add a drying loop.

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Continue by hanging the garlic braid up in a warm, dry area. Leave the braid undisturbed like that and allow the tops of the garlic heads to dry completely. Even though the length of drying time will vary, I have found that it typically takes four weeks or less to dry an average size braid. Once the garlic tops are dry, spray the braid with a liberal coating or two of polyurethane. I have found that it tends to help preserve the braid. After the polyurethane coating has dried completely, proceed by decorating the garlic braid with a raffia bow. Once that’s done, your garlic braid will be ready for use.

Suggested Uses

At this point, you may be wondering what to do with your garlic braid. Personally, I have found that garlic braids make wonderful additions to gift baskets. Of course they could also be used as standalone hostess gifts. If you do decide to use the garlic braid as part of a gift basket, I would suggest pairing it with Italian food items and kitchen utensils. Examples include homemade Italian spice blends, bottles of homemade dipping oils, jars of spaghetti sauce, boxes of pasta and a pasta strainer.

Source: Personal Experience

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