Karla News

Lunch in Mobile, Alabama: $1 a Day Helps Feed the Homeless

Creating a Resume, Home Style, Pumpkin Cake

In downtown Mobile, Ala., just one block from Mobile’s artsy and club street, is 15 Place. The name is to lend the air of presence of pride for all they serve.

Behind the St. Francis Street Baptist Church is 15 Joachim St., where lunch is served at 11:30 A.M. everyday. The food is fresh, hot and the best value in downtown Mobile. The fact that lunch is actually offered for free to anyone they feed around 100 homeless people everyday.

Being homeless is not a requirement to eat a fresh hot home style lunch of meat or meat substitute (like red beans and rice) vegetables, Panera’s fresh baked bread and a dessert. By eating lunch at 15 Place and giving an offering of just $1.00 you will aid the organization in feeding eight other people, who may not have a dollar to spare.

The dinning area is small, and they will give you a number, which serves two purposes. The number is like putting your name on the list at other restaurants when there is a wait. They will call your number when there are enough tables in the dinning area. The other purpose for the number is to help them keep an accurate count of the number of meals they have served. The 100 people mentioned above is the number estimated as homeless. There are about two dozen business people who work downtown and find the food good and making an offering serves them an affordable lunch that gives back to the community.

On Friday, it is a smorgasbord of food with a mix of hot food and sandwiches. On Friday 7 March the meal was beef and noodles, deli-meats, fresh sliced bread, hot mixed vegetables, and a variety of cakes. Carrot cake, pumpkin cake and pound cake were the dessert offering on Friday.

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The welcome mat is open to anyone from residents of Mobile to travelers. If you are biking or traveling across the country and need a break or a hot shower they will feed you and let you take a shower. If you need help creating a resume they have the service available. If you need to type a letter while away from home and aren’t staying at a hotel that offers those services 15 Place has computer terminals and printers to use. They are free, but all donations are welcomed.

Since July 2000 when the doors of 15 Place opened they have assisted over 3000 registered guests who needed a free meal, a shower, counseling services, computer access, or a place to help them find work. The people at 15 Place give hope and according to Noel E. Evans “They saved my life.”

It is a place that allows the community to give and receive to the benefit and well being of all. If you are just wanting a good hot lunch, but it doesn’t have to be anything more than a good home style and whether you can or cannot afford to make an offering stop by 15 Place and feel fully blessed with hot food and service to you and your fellow man.

15 Place is part of the Mobile Community Foundation and donations can be made through the County or sent to15 Place Joachim Street Mobile, Ala. 36602
