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Little Known Facts About Marvin Harrison

Little Known, Little Known Facts, Pat Sajak, Vanna White

Can there really be little known facts about Marvin Harrison? It seems unlikely that a talented player like Marvin Harrison
can go unnoticed long enough to put together many little known facts about himself or his playing. That he and Peyton Manning have been lighting up professional football record books with yardage, touchdowns and receptions for the better part of a decade is certainly not a little known fact about either of them. But of the two, it is Manning who gets the advertising ops, takes the interviews and is the center of attention. We know plenty about Peyton Manning but lurking out there somewhere there must be just a few little known facts about Marvin Harrison.

Life as an Orangeman Marvin Harrison left his home town of Philadelphia to go to school and play football at Syracuse University. At Syracuse Marvin lettered in football for all four years. During that time he put together some very impressive statistics as a wide receiver. In an especially outstanding display he led Syracuse to a 41-0 win over Clemson in the Gator Bowl . None of this should come as any surprise. After all Marvin Harrison went on to be an NFL pro-bowler, and a stand out in the history of the Indianapolis Colts franchise. With ten years in, Marvin Harrison remains reliable, a go-to receiver and arguably Peyton Manning’s favorite target when the chips are down.

Still a little known fact about Marvin Harrison is that when this star in the making played at Syracuse, he was a team starter for only three out of his four years. This should make football scouts anxious to go out and find the guy who started over Marvin Harrison. He could be quite a nice pick-up for some NFL team..

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Give Me a Vowel As a wide receiver Marvin Harrison has been part of many extraordinary touchdown pass plays with Peyton Manning. Still routinely it is Peyton that sports fans see all the time. It is Peyton who does commercials with his brother. It is Peyton who seems to have the charisma to step up to the mike.

A little known fact about Marvin Harrison is that he did get an opportunity to enjoy a little celebrity limelight on national television back in 1999. During Super Bowl Week that year Marvin Harrison was welcomed on to the set by Pat Sajak and Vanna White to compete in Wheel of Fortune. Of course he was not there trying to make money for himself. His efforts were on behalf of underprivileged children.

Back with the Guys from Philly Appearing on the Wheel of Fortune was only one of the many charity events in which Marvin Harrison has participated during the last decade. It’s no surprise that Harrison has frequently participated in or financially supported outreach events with other professional athletes.

But , a little known fact about Marvin Harrison is that with Donovan McNabb and Bobby Taylor then of the Philadelphia Eagles, he hosted a three on three basketball tourney in Philadelphia to benefit the March of Dimes. At just 6 feet Harrison probably had to rely on the height of others but he had the kind of spirit that made playing important to him

Eligibility, a New Meaning to an Old Designation When Marvin Harrison was in college playing football he was familiar with the term eligibility. He knew he had four years to play at the college level and then if he wanted to continue playing football he would have to look to the Pros. That’s all old news to football players.

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But a little known fact about Marvin Harrison is that in another sense, he is still eligible – not for a bowl bid or for another year of college play. As a 6 foot, 185 lb famous football player Marvin is an eligible bachelor. He currently is listed not only as a wide receiver but also as single. This is a little known fact that many young women in the Indianapolis area might be interested in learning more about.

Marvin Harrison is the less visible of the Manning-Harrison throw-catch combination. By himself Harrison has set the Indianapolis Colts record for most touchdowns at 113. There is little doubt that when he ends his career he will be headed for Canton, Ohio and the Football Hall of Fame. In the meantime he won’t mind continuing to do his job and possibly leaving behind just a few little known facts about himself to keep us all interested.