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Little Known Facts About Gary Oldman

Little Known, Little Known Facts, Sirius Black, Uma Thurman

Harry Potter fans know Gary Oldman as the beloved Sirius Black. He first appeared in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. He then had a brief part in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Finally, Gary Oldman finished out his work with his character Sirius Black by doing the movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. But, Gary Oldman is more than a wonderful Harry Potter character. This amazing star has also appeared in several other wonderful movies including Batman Begins and Leon: The Professional. While Gary Oldman may be a big star, there are still several little known facts about him.

Little Known Facts about Gary Oldman #1: An Avid Reader

Gary Oldman loves to read, not only is he a Harry Potter fan, but he also owns the complete works of William Shakespeare and Jane Austen. Another fun fact is that the entire cast of the Harry Potter movies loves the Harry Potter books.

Little Known Facts about Gary Oldman #2: Uses a Different Voice in Most of His Films

If you pay close attention to Gary Oldman, you will notice that his voice changes from film to film. His voice in Bram Stoker’s Dracula is very different from his voice in Batman Begins. His voice in the Harry Potter movies is different as well, being very soft and almost mournful.

Little Known Facts about Gary Oldman #3: Has Done Book to Screen Character Adaptations

Other than his role as Sirius Black in the Harry Potter series, Gary Oldman has also brought the character of James Gordon from the Batman series to life. He did an amazing job with both of these characters.

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Little Known Facts about Gary Oldman #4: Normally Known for His Sadistic Characters

Gary Oldman is normally known for playing sadistic characters. For example, look at the movies Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Leon: The Professional. Talk about crazy characters. Yet, his recent movies have featured characters who are actually like-able and on the good side.

Little Known Facts about Gary Oldman #5: Has Never Been Nominated for an Academy Award

While Gary Oldman has been in several wonderful movies, he has never been nominated for an Academy Award.

Little Known Facts about Gary Oldman #6: Did a Vocal Duet with David Bowie

Another shocking fact is that Gary Oldman once did a duet with David Bowie. Of course this fact doesn’t seem as shocking when you consider his previous career consideration.

Little Known Facts about Gary Oldman #7: Once Considered a Career in Music

At one time, Gary Oldman actually considered a career in music. Luckily, he decided to become an actor instead.

Little Known Facts about Gary Oldman #8: Once Married to Uma Thurman

For a brief moment in the early 1990s, Gary Oldman was married to Uma Thurman. This was his second wife. He has been married three times, but is currently divorced. Another fun fact is that Gary Oldman and his ex-wife Uma Thurman have both appeared in Batman films. Uma appeared in Batman & Robin, while Gary appeared in Batman Begins.
