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Lee Middleton Original Dolls Factory in Belpre, Ohio

Collectible Dolls

The dolls seem so lifelike, it might feel like you are holding a live toddler. You can visit the Newborn Nursery and “adopt” one of the baby dolls. No doubt many people do, as thousands every year tour the factory that makes Lee Middleton Original Dolls, the largest doll factory in the United States, in Belpre, Ohio. If you have a daughter, and she goes with you on one of the free factory tours, she may never want to leave. Tours are free.

Middleton Doll began to capture the innocence and beauty of childhood 25 years ago, and the company is still making its world famous dolls-even after the death of founder, Lee Middleton. The company is recognized as the industry leader in vinyl collectible dolls. More than 100 new dolls are created every year, with various skin tones, sizes, hair colors, and eye colors. Each doll is designed to look like a real baby. An amazing amount of detail goes into every creation.

The first dolls for the company were created to look like Lee Middleton’s own children. Her relatives soon wanted dolls that looked like their children. She was soon making dolls in her home, but that didn’t last too long. Soon bigger and bigger production areas had to be found. The plant in Belpre, Ohio, was opened in 1989, and soon produced more dolls than any other manufacturer in the United States. The mayor of Belpre soon dubbed his town, “The Baby Doll Capital of the World.”

In 1985 Doll Reader Magazine soon gave one of Lee Middleton’s creations the “Doll of the Year Award.” Vinyl dolls began to become popular as collectibles. Lee Middleton’s creations became even more realistic and were often mistaken for live babies. People often called the police when they saw the dolls in cars, because they thought careless parents had left real “babies” in hot cars. Other shoppers often scolded “parents” for leaving their “babies” on store counters.

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After Lee Middleton died in 1997, little known Canadian artist Reva Schick started making the dolls. Because of her faith, she continued the tradition Lee Middleton had started of putting a tiny Bible in each doll case. Eva Helland, Jane Pinkstaff, Michelle Fagan, and Pat Moulton are other artists that work for the company.

The Artist Studio Collection made by the Lee Middleton Company includes limited edition, beautiful hand numbered dolls. Each is hand painted. Each feels like a real baby.

The Newborn Nursery was created at the Lee Middleton home store and is featured in retail stores nationwide. Each is designed to look like an actual nursery. Children can go through a fun adoption process before bringing their “babies” home. The dolls can be purchased online at newbornnursery.com.
The Middleton PlayBabies line reflect various stages of a girl’s physical and character development, and girls will love the dolls with various hair, skin, and eye colors.

The Lee Middleton Doll Company in Belpre, Ohio also in 2007 introduced a line of bedding, furniture, and décor. The line includes lamps, rocking chairs, benches, bedding, and many other items.

Those wanting to tour the factory at the Lee Middleton Doll Company in Belpre, Ohio, need to call to make an advanced registration for a tour: 740-423-1481 or 800-233-7479.
