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Kids’ Paper Crafts: Pirate Patterns

Paper Crafts

Pirate patterns for kids’ paper crafts are fairly common on the internet, but not all are equal in quality or stature. Most all of the free paper craft pirate patterns are downloadable and can be printed out easily, but the problem seems to be in finding ones that children will enjoy. Remember as a parent or other adult, what looks cool to you is probably boring to a kid, so it’s a good idea to let the kid’s choose which patterns will spur the greatest interest. Pirate paper craft patterns are excellent for developing children’s imaginations, and may even lead to some questions about pirates in historical circumstances, so be prepared for a web search of pirate facts after your kids get into the buccaneer mindset.

One of the very best attributes of making pirate paper crafts from free patterns is that they cost next to nothing, and they will keep kids occupied for more than one occasion. In fact, because of the great number of pirate paper craft patterns available, children can obtain quite an extensive collection of pirate related items with which to play. These items made from pirate paper crafts can also be used to decorate a child’s bedroom, and can come in extremely handy in a pinch for school projects or stage props for school plays. Here are some wonderful free kid’s paper craft pirate patterns that are certain to be enjoyed:

Paper Bag Pirate Puppet – This is an easy and colorful pirate pattern made of a paper bag for ages 7 and up, available at http://crafts.kaboose.com/paper-bag-pirate-puppet.html

See also  Kid's Paper Crafts: Frog Patterns

Pirate Spyglass Telescope – This is a simple paper craft made mostly of a paper tube, construction paper and tape. This free kid’s paper craft pirate pattern can be found at http://ezinearticles.com/?Pirate-crafts-Will-Make-Any-Kid-Feel-Like-A-Real-Life-Pirate&id;=729269

Pirate Crew Members And Cannons – An easy paper craft that is just print and fold, this is available at http://familyfungo.com/printables/craft-templates/printable/pirate-ship-crew-cannons/pirate-ship-crew-cannons.html

Various Pirate Patterns – Here you can get free pirate paper craft patterns of a pirate kite, pirate map paper, a pirate flag and more, available at http://www.clipartandcrafts.com/clipart/themes/pirates/index.htm

Pirates Treasure Chest – This is a really neat kid’s paper craft of a pirate’s chest made of a tissue box, available at http://www.dltk-kids.com/crafts/pirates/mtreasure.html

Pirate Paper Craft – Here you can download a scary pirate complete with an eye patch. This free paper craft pirate pattern is available from http://superpunch.blogspot.com/2008/02/pirate-papercraft.html

Pirate Hat Graphic – This is a pirate hat with skull and crossed swords that can be used in many craft projects, available at http://www.leehansen.com/clipart/Themes/Pirates/pages/pirate-hat.htm

Various Pirate Patterns – Here you can get pirate paper crafts like shrunken heads,treasure maps, a pirate bandanna and many others. These free kid’s paper craft patterns are available at http://www.kidsturncentral.com/themes/piratecrafts.htm