Karla News

Jennie-O Turkeys Make Holiday Cooking a Breeze


Thanksgiving is coming in just a few short weeks. For me, Thanksgiving represents the beginning of all the winter holidays. It also represents the beginning of all the stress and rush. This year, I have decided that I am going to make everything a little easier on myself.

In my search for ways to make this holiday season easier, I was blessed with the opportunity to try a Jennie-O boneless/skinless turkey breast. As a member of bzzagent.com, I was asked to try the turkey breast so that I could know what the full-size turkey would be like. I have to say that I believe I have found a winner!

Jennie-O turkeys are so simple to prepare! You start with a frozen (yes,frozen) turkey, in a plastic bag. All you have to do is open the bag, and you will find the turkey wrapped in a clear bag. Inside the clear bag, the turkey is already washed and seasoned. Place the turkey, still wrapped, into your roaster and cut a few slits into the clear wrapper for ventilation.

You put the roaster into your preheated oven, making sure there is enough room for the bag to expand around the turkey without touching the sides or top of the oven. Set your kitchen timer and do whatever you want while it cooks. You don’t have to worry about basting the turkey or taking care of it at all while it is cooking.

Once the pop-up timer tells you that the turkey is done, all you have to do is take the turkey out of the oven. When it’s out of the oven, you cut open the clear bag. Let the turkey cool for a few minutes, and it’s ready to carve and serve.

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Along with the turkey, there was a bag with some frozen gravy mix in it. You just put it in a saucepan over medium-high heat, add some water, and boil. It was so easy!

What’s better than a turkey that is easy to prepare, right down to the gravy? How about a turkey that is easy to cook and tastes good? The Jennie-O turkey was juicy, with no dry spots whatsoever! It was nice and tender, practically falling apart on my fork. It was perfectly seasoned. It tasted so good that it didn’t really even need the gravy at all!

After it was cooked and I had stolen my first couple of bites, it was time to serve it to the family. The pickiest of my three children ate gobbled every bite, barely taking time to breath. Even the baby was able to enjoy tiny pieces of it, and exclaimed “yum!” with each piece I gave him. My husband ate more turkey than I had seen him eat in a long time.

The clean-up was simple as well. There were no turkey pieces in the trash. There was no worry of turkey blood dripping on the counters, spreading bacteria. Most of the mess was contained to the clear bag, so cleaning the roaster was a breeze.

I really loved how easy it was to prepare the turkey. It will help to make the holiday season a lot easier on me this year.