Karla News

Is a Maltipoo Right for You?

Designer Dogs, Lap Dogs

Maltipoos (Maltese/Poodle) are intelligent, non-shedding lap dogs that are perfect companions. They are easily house trained and my “Lulu” responds to a number of verbal commands to insure her safety and obedience. She loves to “roll over” and will occasionally approach and roll over for no apparent reason other than to receive the milk bone reward that accompanies this activity. They live well in households where at least one family member remains home during the day. She is delighted that I am retired so we can spend time together. Her coat requires only minimal combing, but if you want her to be presentable she needs to be combed daily. During the summer months she sports a very close cut. While this is not of “show quality” it does insure that she remains cool and comfortable.

Perhaps this recent episode best describes her character. I just explained to Lulu that her mother was an American Kennel Club (AKC) registered poodle and her father was an AKC registered Maltese. That certifiably identifies her dog ethnicity as a “Maltipoo”.

Lulu is smart, protective, loyal and takes up only a very small square on the bed because of her diminutive size. She is a svelte 10 pounds and while small has wonderful muscular tone. She has beautiful white hair, a tail that wags in appreciation of even the smallest attentive gesture and loudly barks if a stranger approaches the house. She recognizes those that visit regularly and greets them with enthusiasm, but strangers elicit a growling and barking behavior that is intimidating and clearly awaits my command to sit or lie down that will identify the stranger as a friend.

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She is a wonderful companion and provides attention to my every need, however she does demand the same attention to her needs and will jump up and sit in my lap, especially during Sunday afternoon football games. She appears to be an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan. She is a true princess and as such is treated with all the trappings that a true princess deserves. She is the quintessential lap dog.

She follows me about each day starting with the retrieval of the morning paper at the front gate. She loves to share breakfast, especially bits of bacon that might fall on the floor while I’m reading the paper. We have a daily routine. After breakfast she follows me upstairs to my loft office where I normally read Internet journals and pen short articles and essays about subjects that interest me. She lies sleepily under the knee hole and if I stir away from the desk she is quick to follow. A few hours of reading and writing is followed by the morning tour of our estate.

The garden needs to be harvested and weeded and the rabbit critters that would eat our carrots or radishes need to be scattered about. She carries this duty out with enthusiasm and sometimes gets distracted by the scent of the deer that abound in the woods and needs to called back to her more immediate task of helping me tend to our garden.

It is now her 3rd birthday and she has reached her majority so I thought it was time to have the conversation. I believe that it’s important for her to know. Because the liaison between her mom and dad was not approved by the AKC, I had to explain to Lulu that she was really just a “mutt”.

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Some people would say that she was a designer dog, but that is just spinning the reality of her “muttness. As I cuddled Lulu in my lap, her ears pricked back when I said “mutt” and her large black eyes were staring at me in what appeared to be a look of consternation. I’m not sure exactly sure what she was thinking, but I could not help to think that the yawn that emanated from her was the equivalent of, “so what’s your point?”

Lulu’s like that. No long explanations or details are necessary. She is simply here to provide companionship and love and to seek the same in return. Her “muttness” changes nothing and come to think about it, she’s right! What was I thinking?

Maltipoos are in fact mutts according to the AKC. Breeders prefer to call them “designer dogs”. Perhaps that helps them elicit a higher payment from a potential purchaser. Nevertheless, they make great pets for those that are able to tend to them. The reward is that they will be loyal and truly are “man’s best friend”. OH! and woman’s too.