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Interviewing Brittany Walbert, a Freelance Make-Up Artist from NYC

I had the perfect opportunity to chat with Brittany Walbert, a freelance makeup artist from New York City, about popular makeup looks, including inspiring makeup looks, MAC cosmetics, and what’s hot for Spring, as well as, Summer. Here is what she had to tell me…

Sarah: Tell me a little about yourself, tell me more about Brittany Walbert…

Brittany: My name is Brittany Walbert. I am a freelance make-up artist. I work on all sorts of projects, but primarily photo shoots. I attended Make-up Designory in NYC after graduating from the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL. I am originally from Miami, FL, but reside in NYC.

Sarah: Behind every great artist (in this case, makeup artist) is a major source of inspiration. Tell me what or who inspired you to become a makeup artist? What was the biggest source of influence?

Brittany: Probably my friends. I had a passion for make-up, at a very young age and they were always asking me to do their make-up for events and pictures or just going out. They assured me of my talent and I probably wouldn’t have pursued a career in make-up, if it wasn’t for their encouragement.

Sarah: I have always assumed that Spring was the perfect opportunity to break out the pastel colors, however; I have looked at a variety of models wearing some rather eclectic looks. I am curious to know, what are some of the hottest makeup colors for Spring?

Brittany: I would say pastels are quite the opposite of spring. Everything is coming to life and blooming and make-up shouldn’t be any different. Bright pinks are great for spring. A magenta lip or bubblegum pink cheeks really pop without looking contrived.

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Sarah: I absolutely love an array of inspired looks, especially in terms of makeup and cosmetics. I am curious to know, what are the most popular makeup inspired looks? What do you tend to do the most?

Brittany: When people want dramatic, they always ask for Marilyn Monroe; the cat eye and red lips. It is a classic, so it’s hard to go wrong. Also the smoky eye is requested a lot. My favorite inspired look, which was really in a couple seasons ago, is the Bridgette Bardot; slightly smoky cat eyes, some cheek contouring and a nude lip.

Sarah: Tell me more about the beauty products you tend to use…

Brittany: I use quite a bit of MAC products. They are great professional products that are available to regular consumers as well.

Sarah: Spring is here, however; in a few more months we are approaching summer. Tell me more about the most popular beauty products that are a must-have for the Summer…

Brittany: Definitely bronzer. Pale is great for winter, but when the sun comes out, people want that tanned looked and bronzer is a great way to achieve that. There is no damage from tanning and no orange tint from self tanners. Brush is all over the face after setting powder and a little on the neck and chest. It will give that extra little glow very naturally. *A little trick, it can double as a contourer. Put a little extra in the hollows of your cheeks and under your neck and collar bone.

Sarah: When you do looks for both Spring and Summer, what look tends to be the most popular? Tell me more…

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Brittany: People ask for a wide variety of looks depending on the occasion, but I think people are more comfortable using color during these seasons. And people want to glow, either with bronzer or shimmer powder. Also a great emphasis on the cheeks and glossy lips.

Sarah: What do some of your clients say about your work? Do you have any testimonials?

Brittany: They have all been really happy. One client asked if I had a testimonial section on my website so she could comment; unfortunately I don’t. I considered making one for a second though. I try to let my work speak for itself. But no complaints yet.

Sarah: Is there any particular quote that you stand by often or describes you as a person. What is your beauty motto?

Brittany: “Give me your face and I will draw you a picture.” It sums up how I feel that make-up is an art form and I just happen to use a different medium than most. And “Anyone who tells you not to put mascara on your lower lashes is a liar.” Hehe, I just hate when professionals try and give people rules to follow. There are no rules in make-up.

Sarah: For those individuals reading this interview for the very first time, what would you like those people to know?

Brittany: Make-up is a great way to express yourself. If you’re feeling down, go put on some fabulous make-up. I guarantee it will cheer you up. And experiment. Not all looks work on everyone, but try them and be honest with yourself. Do what will look best for YOU, not what is IN. My website is BWMakeup. Please contact me if you have any questions or would be interested in working with me. And thanks a lot Sarah.

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To know more, simply visit http://www.bwmakeup.com.
