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Ideas on How Kids Can Make Money

Car Wash, Cutting Grass

Most kids look for ways to make money on their own. Usually it is a game or something similar that they want to earn money for. I think it is nice for children to want to earn their own money to buy something they want. Some kids just simply tell their parents to buy it and the parents run out and buy it. If your child is looking for ways to earn their own money, try the tips in this guide.

Car Wash

Having a car wash is always a great way to earn money. A lot of churches will have car washes to raise money for the church or for the youth. So, why not let your child have a car wash? Your child could get together with their friends and they could put on a car wash. Then at the end of the day, the kids can divide the money between all of them. You could help advertise the car wash for them by putting out signs, calling your friends and family and getting it out by word of mouth. The kids should make a decent amount of money by having a car wash. And this job is great for both boys and girls.

Cut Grass

This job might be better suited for boys than girls, unless your girl likes to cut grass. But cutting grass is a good way to earn a little extra money. However, make sure the child charges enough to pay for the gas and make a profit. With gas prices the way they are, the child might spend a good $10 – $15 in gas. So, make sure the child can make a profit after buying gas for the lawn mower. You can help the child get grass cutting jobs by asking family, friends and neighbors if they would like for your child to cut their grass. Keep in mind that the child may need to cut the grass early in the morning or late in the evening if you have hot temperatures like we do. Children can also have heat strokes, so you need to protect them as well.

See also  Starting a Mobile Car Wash Business

Clean Houses

Another way for kids to make money is by cleaning houses. This may be more for girls than boys. You could ask your family and friends if they would like their house cleaned and then let your child clean them. Cleaning houses will take a little bit of time depending on the size of the house and the cleaning that will need to be done, but it is a great way to earn money.


Babysitting is another great way to earn money. However, this may be for children that are a little older unless you are going to be there to help your child babysit. And this is probably more for girls than boys. Some boys do like to babysit but many do not. Your child can babysit relatives and your friend’s children to earn a little bit of money.

I hope the tips in this guide will help your children earn a little bit of money for whatever they need money for. Allowing your child to earn their own money will also teach them responsibility and teach them the value of a dollar. They will then learn to appreciate things more.