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How to Use a Room Divider to Spruce Up a Room

Room Dividers, Sheet Rock

A room divider can be as simple as setting the sofa in a position to divide the living space from the dining space in a long multipurpose room. It can also be as extreme as bringing in 2×4’s and sheet rock and erecting a permanent wall to divide a space. This article will open your eyes to many different ways a room can be subdivided for many purposes.

Flexibility in a structure is an attribute that will serve a family well. As time goes on, kids mature and leave, hobbies change, different types of entertainment come and go. It may not be a wise choice to permanently alter a structure to accommodate relatively temporary changes in a family structure. After all your home is your most valuable investment. To be able to quickly return the structure to a more sell-able state, while adapting to your present needs is a wise way to look at an idea.

One common room divider method would be ceiling to floor hanging drapes. Whether light a breezy, or heavier to provide privacy, they will be easy to install and can be quickly drawn back to open the space. An effective way to handle a two bedroom house with both boys and girls forced to occupy the same bedroom.

If you have a rec-room with a big screen tv, or movie set up on one end. Having a heavy privacy curtain to block out the other end of the room, which is surrounded with large windows looking out over the yard, will enhance the setting creating your own little movie theater.

Folding panels are another good way to divide a space. Simple frame works covered with cloth or decorative paper can be expanded to accent or separate one area from another.

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For a country flair, old wooden framed removable storm windows can be hinged together to form a divider. Using colored tissue paper, or plastic panels, they can be converted to look like stained glass panels. Use caution, this isn’t a type of structure that should be around young kids, window glass can be extremely dangerous when broken. A better choice around kids would be lexan panels.

A movable panel, as simple as a series of barn boards built into a divider can serve a purpose while making a decorative statement. When not needed, it can be set back against a wall, and serve as a place to mount pictures of country scenes.

If a more permanent structure is desired, maybe a sliding panel or group of panels would work. Mounted on tracks so they can be opened or closed as needed, they could be more appealing then a solid wall.

As a last resort, bring out the building materials and construct a permanent wall. Be sure to do it correctly, observing local codes and building techniques. It’s in you best interest to do a high quality job on this one as it will become a permanent feature in your home. You want to add to your equity, not loose value with your efforts.

Room dividers can add flexibility to your home and accommodate many different functions. Take your time and chose wisely and you’ll get many years of pleasure from your project.