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How to Understand Your Cat’s Meows

Meow, Wild Cats

A key to understanding your cat is learning what your cat’s meow means. Cats can actually use 16 different vocal patterns. This article will help you identify and interpret some common cat vocalizations or meows.

A cat meow is a means of expressing many emotions. Domestic cats vocalize (meow) more than wild cats that do not have much human interaction. Tame cats have learned how to expand their use of sounds in an attempt to communicate their needs to humans. To find out what your cat is trying to tell you, learn about the different types of cat meows and what they mean.

Happy or hello cat meows: A hello meow is a short meow heard when a cat greets you. The cat is happy and may rub your legs or jump on your lap. Cats can also murmur, which is done with the mouth closed. It is a soft sound heard with purring.

Purring, commonly thought of as a happy cat vocalization, sounds like a motor running. Cats can purr when happy or when distressed. A sick or injured cat may purr in an attempt to feel better. A mother cat purrs so her kittens will find her by the vibrations.

Angry cat meows: A warning meow is a low pitched meow that can be short or long and can be drawn out. This may or may not be accompanied by growling (yes, cats to growl). There may also be spitting followed by a hissing sound. An angry or agitated can may also have a wagging tail. A wagging or lashing tail in a cat is a sign of agitation. These are all warning signs to stay away. The cat with this angry meow may be fearful, agitated, territorial, in pain or just doesn’t want to be bothered. The message is clear to stay away!

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Weird cat meow: Chattering is a very strange sound an excited cat makes. It sounds like a stuttering meow. This is often heard when a cat is looking out of a window at a bird or other type of prey that is out of its reach. Some cats also squeak, a very high pitched cat meow usually heard around mealtime. The cat’s mating cry is a deep, long, drawn out, very distinct meow.

If a cat is hungry or lonely the meow is a long meow, and has a whiny sound to it. A cat using this meow is trying to tell you they want something and may continue this annoying meow until you give in to their wishes.

A cat in pain will shriek, which is a high pitched sound. A shriek can also be heard the cat is involved in a very aggressive situation.

Source: Communicating With Your Cat. J. Anne Helgren
Personal Experience as a Cat Owner