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How to Turn Your Armoire into a Faux Tin Pie Cabinet


Punched pie tin cabinets are one of the most popular pieces of antique furniture many people look for at antique stores, flea markets, and yard sales. If you have an existing armoire you can easy transform it into a faux pie tin or pie cabinet.

This easy DIY project does not have to be permanent. I will be using instructions on how to install the punch pie tin panels so that they do not harm your piece of furniture. This way when you want to use the armoire in another room in your home, you can undo the look of a punch pie tin.

To Make a Punched Pie Tin Cabinet From Your Armoire You Will Need:

Sheets of Thin Metal

Nail Hammer

Rubber Picture Protectors

Hot glue

Felt (optional)




Sand Paper

Ribbon (optional)

To get started you need to measure all of the recessed areas on the front of your armoire. If you do not have any recessed areas, you have a couple options.

First you could make a sheet of metal to look line lunch tin that fits the whole door This would be a contemporary take on the look.

Another option is to add tri details to the doors, giving them recessed areas.

Now, cut out sheets of thin metal sheeting out to the sizes you need. You can by sheets of pliable metal in aluminum at your local home improvement store.

Be sure to sand the edges so they do not cut you. I would also recommended wearing gloves while making the punched tin pie safe inserts.

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Now, trace out these metal shapes onto paper. You want to use the paper to create the design. This will save you a ton fo money and elbow grease.

You can spell out letters, words, create designs, or even carry on an accent them you have in your house, like cherries or certain flowers.

Simply go ahead and make the drawing for each panel. Now, take a market and start making dots along the lines. These will be the punched tin on the pie safe.

Place on sheet of paper over the corresponding metal sheet. Use a hammer and nail to start making the indentation on the pie safe. Continue until all the dots have been punched.

Now, on to installing the panels on your armoire. You want to do as little damage t the piece of furniture as possible, so I recommend using a self adhering putty. You can buy putty compound at the local home improvement store.

You kneed it into you hands, press a small quarter sized glob on the back of each corner and press the panel into place.

Hot glue is another option. Apply this ot your metal, not the door of the armoire. Let cool a tiny nit, then pres into place.

When you want to remove the metal punched tin panel in either case you can simply pull it from the door and gently scrape always the hot glue remains or adhesive putty remains.
