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How to Throw an Over the Hill Party

The Hill

Turning the dreaded 50 years old is a sign of becoming older, of course, along with wiser, symbolizing the fact that you are over the hard part of your life, and now going on a downhill ride. The point of this is to make that retirement will be coming soon, your kids are all grown up, and you have a well established amount of friends, and know where you are in life.

This is an extremely popular type of party to throw, especially for the family, and as well as colleagues. So first off, you need to make sure the person you want to throw the “Over the Hill” party for, is the type of person who will appreciate that type of thought and effort. There are some people who do get extremely sad when it is their birthday, and it could turn into disaster! So I am just throwing that warning out for some of you.

How do you set up an Over the Hill party? Well it’s quite simple, you can go to many local stores, and find some over the hill themed stuff. However, if you are looking to get some really unique items, and have it a really nice and big celebration, then perhaps you should venture to an on line site. There are plenty out there that offer very incredible and unique accessories and party favors for those types of parties.

If you have a local store such as Spencer’s Gifts, which I believe is popular, they will have many themed items such as that, or any other “gag” shop generally will have an extensive collection of Over the Hill supplies. A common favorite for these parties, as a little joke, is to buy fake Viagra, along with the real present, or energy booster supplements. Things that would remind a person that they are getting older, and they are getting slower, and need to get the help from other things.

See also  "Over the Hill" Birthday Party Favors

So when you throw the party, and have gotten all your items and party favors from your local area, or on line, make sure to set it up appropriately. Generally for an Over the Hill party, there will be well over 20 people or so, because of all your friends that your parents will have. So it is always a great idea if it is the Summer time, or Spring to have it outside, so there is plenty of room. You never want to have a party where everyone is cramped together which makes it not so much fun.

It is always possible to rent out areas as well, it really depends on how much you want to spend. So for the party to be interesting, make sure that there is drinks, and food, all that jazz. However, you can spice it up by adding a little wine, or alcohol. Also, games like Dictionary, or Taboo are games that lots of people can get involved in, and are extremely fun.

Make sure to have the T.V. going as well for any sports or something going on for that day, or also anyone who likes music have a room for music if you want.

Just remember that with this party, many people will be adults, and expect adults things! So make sure to have entertainment for everyone, and enough for everyone to do!