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How to Throw a Supergirl Birthday Party for Your Daughter on a Budget

Birthday Party Supplies, Party Budget, Party Supplies

I’m sure many of you will remember Supergirl. She had her own movie in the 1980’s. Supergirl showed little girls of the 80’s that she could be just as strong and powerful and her cousin, Superman. It looks like Supergirl is making a come back with a new age of girls. That’s where Supergirl birthday party supplies come into play. When it comes to throwing your child’s birthday party things can get pretty expensive. Luckily, with a little creative thinking you can cut your birthday party budget in half, or more. Here are a few tips on how to throw a Supergirl party on a budget.

Prepackaged Supplies Are Expensive – I’m sure that you have all seen those gorgeously put together, prepackaged party supplies. You look at them and think, “Wow, it has everything that I need in one neat package.” Unfortuantely, most only come with settings for eight people – eight plates, 8 cups, 16 napkins, plastic forks and spoons for eight people, etc. Many childrens birthday parties will have more than eight guests in attendance. You would have to buy multiple boxes of the prepackaged party supplies just to have enouhg for all of your guests. That’s where your money adds up quickly. The cheapest I was able to find prepacked supplies for a Supergirl birthday party was $20. I would have had to spend $40 in order to have enough for all of the guests that would be coming to my daughter’s upcoming birthday party.

Find a Supergirl Centerpiece – You will need to find one or two Supergirl items to become the centerpiece of the birthday party. Something to use as the focal point and to pull colors off of for all of your other party decorations. I used Ebay and did a search for “Supergirl”. That search revealed a few Ebay stores that sold Supergirl stickers, washable tattoos, Supergirl button pins and even some very pretty Mylar ballons. I decided that I would purchase two of the 18″ Supergirl Mylar balloons as the centerpieces for our daughter’s birthday party. These balloons would be bigger than all the other balloons and would designate the party a “Supergirl” party. I would use the colors in these balloons to base all other decoration colors on. I only spent $5.00 on the two balloons, which I will have filled with helium at my local grocery store’s florist department.

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Match Things on Your Own – Once you have decided to forego the prepackaged party supplies you can let your imagination flow. For the Supergirl birthday party everything is pink, white or a variation thereof. So I decided to go with combinations of a simple white and a light baby pink. I purchased a plastic tablecloth (pink), plastic forks and spoons (pink), two rolls of paper streamer (1 pink, 1 white) two packages of plain latex balloons (1 pink, 1 white), paper plates (pink) and paper cups (pink). All of these were extremely cheap; $0.48 – $1.25 each. You can do this when it comes to party favors also.

Supergirl Birthday Cake Lastly, is the birthday cake. While Supergirl is returning to popularity, it is slow going. So you will probably not be able to find a pre-made Supergirl birthday cake at your local bakery. Luckily, most bakeries now have the capability to scan any picture and place that picture onto the top of the birthday cake. That means that you can take in one of those Mylar balloons, from Ebay, and have the bakery scan it and place that on top of the birthday cake. Voila! You now have a Supergirl birthday cake.

I hope that you have found these tips useful. My middle daughter is having a Supergirl birthday party, in a few weeks, for her 7th birthday. She is so excited, but I just couldn’t see paying so much for the prepackaged party supplies and then still paying for more things like the cake, party flavors and gifts. Along with the foods for our party guests. I’m all about saving money so I decided to put together a much cheaper, but equally great, birthday party. I ended spending just under $25 (including cake) on a party that would have been close to $100 if I had gone with the prepackaged supplies. You can follow these simple steps with any birthday party, not just Supergirl. Just mix and match your own style with a few specialty items (the mylar balloons, stickers, pins, etc) and you will be able to throw a fantastic birthday party for that special child in your life without spending an exhorbanant amount of money.

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