Karla News

How to Prevent Head Lice with Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

Head Lice, Lice

It’s one of those things parents dread. It’s something that no one wants their child to catch. Head lice. Each day hundreds of kids are sent home from school or day care with head lice. It happens in every state, in every town, in every city.

The only other thing that parents can do to prevent lice is to minimize the chances of your child catching them. Teach children never to share personal items such as towels, hair brushes, hats, etc. This can greatly reduce the risk of your child catching this unwanted problem.

Otherwise, all you can do is check your children’s hair often. Lice come in three stages, egg, nymph, and bug. An egg is white. There are usually ten to twelve eggs present when this problem is caught very early. The eggs will be tightly glued to your child’s hair towards the scalp. The nymph are also attached to the hair with that special lice glue. They are brown and about a quarter of an inch long, maybe a bit smaller. The lice bug look a bit like little spiders, and range in color from brown to white. They crawl fast and can be spotted by the naked eye. If you find lice in your child’s hair a call to the doctor can help, or you can go to your local drug store to pick up lice treatment. Tea tree oil shampoo can also be used as treatment if a non chemical method seems better to you. You’ll know the lice are dead and gone when they don’t move. The eggs and nymphs are dead when they slide easily off the hair shaft. That’s it! Good luck and use prevention!

See also  Home Remedies for Lice

Kids can catch head lice from any one who has them. There’s an old saying that goes like this “It’s not a shame to catch them, it’s a shame to keep them. This is true. Lice are not picky, and they do not care if the hair is clean or dirty. They are looking for a host to feed from and will choose the rich or the poor.

There is only one actual way that parents can literally prevent head lice. That way is this: Go to a store that sells herbal shampoos and get some teas tree oil shampoo. It is all natural and quite gentle. It is made from the oil of the tea tree plant. This type of shampoo does not contain chemicals but can both kill and deter head lice. They can’t stand it. Being an all natural product it can safely be used every day, even on children. A teacher actually told me about it, long ago. When you use this shampoo daily, or even every other day alternating with a regular shampoo, lice will not be able to stand to live on your child’s head. Their hair will be repulsive to the lice because of the tea tree oil shampoo used. Conditioner is also available for added softness in the hair, and added repellent for the lice.