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How to Play Simon Says


Many children play the game and sometimes they don’t even know that they are playing a version of it. Surprisingly, there have been some children raised in the United States among peers that have never heard of the game Simon Says. Since some people have no idea what Simon Says is, it is a good idea to try to get them to understand the game. The only way this can happen is for peoeple who understand the game to teach it to them. However, if they didn’t know it, this most likely means that their parents didn’t know I t. Therefore, people need to know how to play Simon Says.

What You Will Need:

People who want to play the game

Prize (optional)

Gather a Group of People

Gather a group of people that want to play the game Simon Says. If the game is being played among friends, it is important that the people want to play. Sometimes, in a classroom setting, a class should be made to play, as long as it is not by force,but by gentle urging and gentle peer pressure because it is fun to play the game.

Choose a Leader

There needs to be a leader for the game. If it is a group of peers, it is usually the person that came up with the idea to play the game that starts as the leader. If it is a class, the teacher usually starts as the leader. The leader may be a different person. This decision is left to the group playing the game.

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Have the Leader Stand in Front of the Group

The leader needs to stand in front of the group, making sure to face the group. The people in the group also need to stand so they are facing the leader.

Choose Actions

The leader needs to choose actions to do, but don’t say them out loud. This can happen while playing the game, too. All that matters is that the leader has an idea of the things he or she is going to do.

Choose When to Say “Simon Says”

Once an idea of actions is decided, explain to the group that they are to do the actions of the leader, but only when the leader says “Simon Says.” The leader can explain the game by saying something like “touch your nose.” She would then point to the people that touched their noses and say, “If we were playing the game, you would be out.” The leader can then say “Simon says touch your elbow.” She can then show that the people who did not touch their elbows are out because Simon said to do it.

Play the Game

The leader starts the game by telling the group to do actions or having the actions preceeded by the words, “Simon Says.” She can then tell which people are out when they do actions when she didn’t say Simon Says or when the don’t do actions when she did say Simon Says. The people who are out then have to sit down and they can help judge if the others are getting actions correct or incorrect.

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Play Until There’s a Winner

Keep the game going until only one person is left standing. The last person standing may be awarded a prize. If there is no prize and the group wants to keep playing and has the time to play, the last person standing then becomes the leader and everybody stands up and starts playing again.