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How to Perform Self-Hypnosis on Yourself


You’re the subject and you’re the hypnotist – that’s how self-hypnosis works.

This may sound kind of weird for some but things will be clear as water after you’ve read this article.

Breakneck speed – that’s how you and I live our lives nowadays.

You wake up at 8am, gobble up whatever’s on the dining table, take a bath and rush to work.

At the office, you tap your computer’s keyboard like a maniac trying to finish yesterday’s work…then all of a sudden your boss approaches your desk and slams another hundreds of pages of paperwork for you to finish.

Finally it’s 6 in the evening, you can go home and take your dinner, brush your teeth, and finally go to bed hoping to get enough sleep before 8am the next day when the cycle will repeat.

Things are happening so fast you hardly have time to unwind! Before you know it, you’re stressed and burned out faster than you can say: “I want to relax!”

No wonder self-hypnosis is so popular nowadays. It’s ability to put you in deep trance and relaxation plus recharge your ‘batteries‘ has made this variation of hypnosis a big hit for individuals from all 4 corners of the globe.

Public speakers, salespeople, internet marketers, writers, etc. – they all use a form of self-hypnosis and sometimes they’re not even aware of it!

And it’s not just for plain relaxation, hypnosis’ ability to wire in your brain how to be more

– Confident
– Assertive
– Motivated
– Relaxed
– And more

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…has helped Average Joe’s and Jane’s leap from zero to hero in the industry they’ve chosen.

Using self-hypnosis everyday can and will, in the short term, lead to heightened creativity, confidence, self-esteem, and optimism.

Self-hypnosis has proven itself 10x more effective than sheer willpower and (sometimes pure fluff) pep-talk.

For the long-term, hypnotizing yourself can be a personal time where you can get to know yourself as an individual not only mentally and physically but even emotionally.

An important note: any form of hypnosis requires the subject to drop all of their lurking fears and doubts about its effect.

The same thing applies here. If you continually believe that self-hypnosis is no good, no matter how many sessions of hypnotizing yourself you go through, it won’t make a single dent of change.

What makes this even more practical is that, through practice and discipline, almost everybody can do it.

Those who’ve more experience in the art of self-hypnosis can just go ahead and create their own script, have it recorded and viola! Instantly, they have their own self-hypnotizing script they can listen to anytime.

For starters, it’s recommended that they seek the guide of a professional hypnotist initially. You could learn from the sessions that you go through or you can ask him/her to create a customized and recorded script depending on the goals you want to achieve.

Whichever way it is, self-hypnosis is an effective tool that can help you achieve practically anything!

The only limit is the limit you set for yourself.

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Shall we go to trance now?