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How to Make Your Own Fly Fishing Lures

Bobbin, Fishing Lures, Fly Fishing

A great hobby is one that not only takes time, but also brings great joy. If you choose a hobby that usually takes money, but you can save it by doing more yourself, all the better! Fly fishing is a fantastic hobby, and a popular one at that, but buying a wide array of flies for your tackle box, in addition to a couple good fly rods, can cost a small fortune. One fun way of making this great recreational hobby a little more affordable is to learn how to make your own fly fishing lures.

There are many different types of fly fishing lures, and you should make a type that will attract fish in your area. The type of fly that a grayling in Alaska sees as food may not work for a rainbow trout in Iowa. Different fish from different environments will have different preferences of bait. Learning to make your own fly fishing lures is a great way to both save money and more fully appreciate this hobby.

You will need a variety of things to start making your own lures. Here’s a list of items you’ll want and/or need:

· A good vise

· Extra hooks

· A bobbin holder

· Thread

· Cork, small plastic, or anything that’s appropriate for the head

· Feather/feathers or other items that can work as a miniature grass skirt

A good vise is absolutely essential to help hold the hook firmly in place as you work to make a tight fly. This will help increase its length of life and allow you to make how made fly fishing lures that will be more appealing to the fish themselves. When making flies, it’s best not to make anything too small and to use long shank hooks-my preference is for 2 inch shank hooks, but I also have clumsy fingers.

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The best way to teach someone how to make a fly fishing lure is to get specific about a certain type. A very common one is referred to as the “blue wing olive.” You’ll find tons of fly fisherman who make this fly. For this one you will need:

· A long shank hook

· Olive thread

· Light olive dubbing

· white polywing

· white hackle fibers

To make your own version of this fly fishing lure, pull your line through the eye of the hook and attach the white hackle fibers to make up the tail. Next, attach the white polywing, which will work as the wing of the lure. This should be attached about 2/3 of the way up the hook. Take some time to wrap the line around the wing several ties so the wing is in a standing position. Push the light olive drubbing forward until it meets the wing (this is the body). Now all you have to do is tie it off and there you go! It’s just that easy to make a popular fly fishing lure.

To make any fly fishing lure, follow the same strategy. Just make sure the colors match well, otherwise you aren’t likely to get nearly as many hits. After the first couple of these you make, you’ll get comfortable and be making them like a pro in no time!