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How to Make Money Legally Online

Millions of people do searches everyday looking to answer the question “how to make money legally online?” Some of the people doing these searches are very serious and others not so much. But the reality is that an overwhelming majority of those people looking for online opportunities will never make a single penny.

For the past eight years I have made a very good living from online venues. There are many people who make substantially more money then I do every week online. How come people like myself have learned how to make money legally online while most fail. Are these people super geniuses? Did they have tons of money to invest in an online business? Did they have a secret “formula”? The answer to all of those questions is “no”. I have found 3 common traits of people who have been successful making money online.

People who have learned how to make money legally online all treat it as a business. They put together a plan and actually take the time to implement that plan. Do not fall for all the “make a full-time income in your pajamas part-time” hype. Or the ” I made $15,000 my first week with this system I brought for $19.95″ shenanigans. You will have to make a plan and make the time to implement that plan.

The very first thing you need to do is answer the question “How am I going to make money online?” Are you going to sell a product, advertising space, content, a service or other options? Any one who has ever started working for themselves to make an income online or off has had to answer that question. I can not answer that question for you. Only you can. Take some time to think about that. The one thing I can tell you is that it doesn’t come from a “system” you buy online for $49.95.

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Another common trait of people who know how to make money legally online is that they are continually learning. A big part of making money online is learning marketing. The reality is that landscape is continually changing. And very often when changes come, they come drastically. Strategies that were wildly successful 5 years ago or even 2 years ago are no longer successful. The concepts of generating revenue online change all the time. If you are not continually learning and engaging your peers to learn more, you will fail.

People that are successful making money legally all have decided that they are going to make money. Not one of them ever said “I’ll give it a try and see what happens.” Even though I have made a good income online for the past 8 years I started learning the “ropes” over 10 years ago. That is over 2 years that I barely made a dime. But those two years where not wasted. This is when I was putting together my plan and learning what I needed to do. To be honest, I was also busy falling for a lot of scams that promised easy money with a one time payment. That determination is what separates the successful from the people who say “everything is a scam” and spend the next 40 years going to a job they hate counting the days until their retirement.

Anyone who is reading this article is absolutely capable of making money legally utilizing the internet. But 99% of you will never make a dime. Are you the 1% or the 99%?