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How to Make Homemade Menorahs for Hanukkah

Hanukkah Traditions

The Menorah is a symbolic and important part of Hanukkah traditions, and the menorah you use should be special to you. There is nothing better than using your own homemade Menorah at Hanukkah. This article will describe how to make 3 different homemade Menorahs for your home during Hanukkah.

Glass and Glitter Menorah

This homemade Hanukkah menorah is easy to assemble, and it is a lovely elegant addition to your Hanukkah décor. For menorah you will need 9 glass champagne flutes or wine glasses, glitter, glue, glass beads or marbles, ribbon, and nine candles. You can use glasses with a pretty design, but plain glasses work perfectly as well.

Apply glue to the rim of the glasses and dip them in the glitter for an even coating. Allow the glitter to dry and tie a bow with the ribbon around the stem of the glass. Add more glitter and the glass beads to the flutes, and stick the candles in place. Line the glasses up in a straight row to create your own pretty homemade Hanukkah menorah.

Ice Cube Candle Menorah

This homemade Hanukkah menorah is a fun craft project that will make your Hanukkah menorah unforgettable. For this project you will need nine old cardboard quart containers, ice cubes, hot water, glitter, nine wicks cut the height of the boxes, scissors, nine sticks, and several different pieces of colored wax. Tie the wicks to the sticks at the end of the wick. Cut the tops off of the milk containers and rest the stick on top of the box and let the wick dangle in the center.

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Now melt down the wax and add glitter to the wax. Pour a layer of wax into the box, and add a few ice cubes to the box. You can use the water to make the cubes smaller and different sizes. Add more layers of wax and more ice cubes. When you have reached the top allow the wax to harden completely. After a few hours you can remove the cardboard and your candles will be ready. Line these candles on a long tray and use this homemade menorah for your Hanukkah ceremonies.

Papier-mâché Menorah

Making a homemade hanukkah menorah out of papier-mâché is a fun and simple project for Hanukkah. To make your own menorah out of papier-mâché you will need news paper, flour, water, wire, and paint. Start by cutting 9 long pieces of wire and making a round loop a little wider than the candle would be on the end of each piece of wire.

Hold all of the pieces of wire together with the loops on one end. Twist all of the wires together at about 2 thirds of the way down from the loops. Bend the shorter pieces of wire out from the twist to make a circle that the menorah can rest on. Pull the wires with the loops out into branches for the homemade Hanukkah menorah candles. When the wire frame is done you can add the papier-mâché.

Mix together the flour and the water until you have a thick mix like pancake batter. Rip the newspaper into shreds and dip it in the flour mixture. Wrap the paper around the pieces of wire until the entire thing is covered and shaped the way you like. Allow the menorah to dry for 24 hours, and paint your homemade Hanukkah menorah whatever color you like.

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These homemade Hanukkah menorahs are fun and easy to make, and they will make your Hanukkah menorah special and important to you and your family. Try these ideas this holiday season, and you will be glad you did.