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How to Make Historical Gravestone Rubbings

Gravestones, Headstones, Rubbings

Making gravestone rubbings is an interesting way to preserve family history. This art can be used to add pictures to existing genealogical documents. It’s an easy way to reproduce beautiful, unique pictures from family gravestones, even if you don’t have any artistic skills. It’s also a way to capture pertinent information that’s inscribed on a grave marker. Taking photographs of headstones that mark the resting places of your family may seem morbid. But if you make a gravestone rubbing instead, you can preserve the information on a headstone in an artistic manner. All you need are some simple materials and the knowledge of how to make historical gravestone rubbings.

Before you get started, the first thing you’ll need to do is to contact the cemetery association where the headstone you want to rub is located. Some cemeteries prohibit gravestone rubbings. Others require that you obtain a permit. Once you secure permission to do a gravestone rubbing, be respectful of the cemetery and the headstones that are located there. Follow the rules and regulations set forth by the association.

Next, choose a gravestone that’s in good condition. Avoid rubbing a marker that has deep cracks in it, or that has a flaky, crumbly surface. It should be standing vertically and not leaning to one side or the other. These points are important to consider because applying pressure to a damaged gravestone can cause it to break, chip or even fall over.

There are several ways to perform a gravestone rubbing, but the safest way- and the easiest for beginners- is to use charcoal and large white paper. You can find these tools at any craft store. Or, check the Internet for availability. Using charcoal and plain white paper will ensure that there is no residue left on the gravestone. (Tracing paper comes in rolls.) Never use magic markers as they can easily bleed through onto the stone.

Now, keep in mind that you can only make historical rubbings on gravestones that have raised or etched out letters and pictures. If you can’t feel the information you want to reproduce, then you won’t be able to copy it.

Before you start your rubbing, it’s a good idea to do a test spot first. Place a small piece of the white paper over a portion of the picture or letters on the headstone. Rub the charcoal over the area until you see an outline forming on the paper. Lift the paper up and check the stone. Make sure the rubbing isn’t leaving any marks or is otherwise harming it. If it looks okay, then you can proceed on.

You’ll need to cover the entire area you want to make a historical rubbing of with a piece of the white paper. You’ll also need to secure the paper to the headstone by using masking tape. Don’t use glues, liquid adhesives or transparent tape for this purpose. Masking tape- specifically the type used for painting- works the best. Painter’s masking tape is specially designed not to leave a sticky residue.

Spread the paper out so that it’s free of wrinkles or creases before you tape it down securely. Then, hold a piece of the charcoal in your fingers securely. Press down on the paper and rub the charcoal across the inscriptions or the edges of the picture. Rub gently, but apply just enough pressure so the images come through as clearly as possible. Continue to make your historical gravestone rubbing by pressing the charcoal over the information you want to reproduce. When you have copied all of the information, you’re finished. You can frame your gravestone rubbing if you wish and keep it clean and protected for generations to come.
