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How to Make Healthy Cheeseburgers

Ground Beef, Summer Treats

What would a summer get together be without cheeseburgers? Everyone has a favorite way to prepare this American classic, but many fail to take notice of the calories and fat in their favorite recipe. The truth is, if you’re not careful, a cheeseburger can be a heart attack on a plate. Luckily, there are a few simple tips that you can follow to make this summer classic healthy.

In order to make a healthy cheeseburger, you must first start with meat. I’m not a big fan of substituting ground beef with chicken or turkey. Instead, I prefer to stick with lean ground beef. While many people will tell you that a good cheeseburger needs to be made with 80/20 ground beef, I actually prefer 93% lean ground beef. To me, the flavor actually tastes beefier than fattier versions. If you simply can’t stand the thoughts of using such a lean ground beef, at least choose ground round which is 15% lean. This is such a simple way to cut fat and make your cheeseburger healthy.

While it is important to choose a healthy ground beef, it’s also important to think about portion control. Many people love big cheeseburgers, but you need to make your patties around 3 to 4 ounces each. I stick with the four ounce size because I usually buy a 16 ounce package of ground beef. If you want to make healthy cheeseburgers for a party, portion one pound of ground beef into 16 patties.

Obviously, a cheeseburger needs cheese. While many people pile it on thick, it’s important to only use 1 ounce of cheese. In order to make your cheeseburger healthy, while still maintaining high levels of flavor, I suggest using a strong cheese. For example, one ounce of blue cheese or sharp cheddar is more than enough for a 4 ounce burger. These types of cheese have such a strong flavor that more than one ounce would be overkill.

See also  4 Recipes That Use Ground Beef

If you’re going to make a healthy cheeseburger, you need to think about toppings. If you’re going to use mayonnaise, choose a light version. But, keep in mind that ketchup and mustard are practically calorie free, as is barbeque sauce. You may even want to consider guacamole, which is high in heart-healthy fats. Also look for healthy hamburger buns made with 100% whole wheat. Last, but not least, be sure to pile as many vegetables on as you want. Add grilled onions, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, and even jalapeno slices.

As you can see, it’s easy to make a healthy cheeseburger. All you need is lean ground beef, one ounce of a strong cheese, healthy toppings, and portion control. Who said you had to give up your favorite summer treats? Just reinvent them.
