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How to Make Fake Wounds on Any Budget

So you want to be the hit of a party looking like a gory person with the wounds to prove it. Well, there are numerous ways to make fake wounds that fit almost any budget. Fake wounds can be easy to do, but look crude. Or they can be very difficult to make, but look extraordinarily realistic. If you want to know how to make fake wounds, there are three basic ways.

One of the first ways I use to make fake wounds, and definitely the cheapest, is to use tissues and glue. It works great for small ½ inch to medium 1 inch wounds. The first step is to use a red marker and draw a crude circular design in the area you want to look wounded. Next, you’re going to take some glue and apply it somewhat liberally to the area. Next, take a 2 ply tissue or toilet paper and cut it to a square shape and set it on top of the glue/red circle. Once it has dried for a few minutes, begin to carefully brush a blush closest to your skin tone that you can find. Blend it over the tissue and onto your own skin. Next is the fun part! Take the eraser tip of a pencil and gently rub it over the tissue and scrape it until the wound looks as you want it to.

If that’s cruder than you desire, there are other methods. A slightly more expensive way that also requires a little bit more artistic skill is to use sculpting wax. You can find this at Wal-Mart or any craft store. Cut off a liberal chunk and using a craft knife, shape the fake wound the way you want it. With these wounds, they are often raised and look good for protruding objects. Once you have sculpted the wound, stick it to the area you want it on your body. It should stick as you blend the wax onto the skin. Then, use a blush that is closest to your skin tone and blend the wax. Use fake blood and eyeliner on the wound to dress it as gory and grotesque as you want it.

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The final way is for the most experienced if starting from scratch or one of the easiest if you have some money to spend. It is to use a foam or latex presculpted piece that just needs blended. Usually you can find good one-time use pieces at Spencer’s gift Shops in your mall in a twenty dollar kit that includes the make-up glue and the latex piece. All you need is the blush to blend it. This is always the best way to go if you want it to look as professional as possible. In fact, this is the same technique professional Hollywood make-up artists use.

Whichever way you go, you will be ready for Halloween 2009 and be the hit of a party. You can use fake wounds to look like the walking undead or a poor ghostly murder victim.