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How to Make a Unique Coffee Gift Basket

Caribou Coffee, Gourmet Coffee, Local Coffee Shops, Silk Ribbon

Now a days who doesn’t love coffee? With a Starbucks and Caribou Coffee on every corner, what’s not to love? It’s usually the first thing we think of when we get up in the morning, and usually the next stop after lunch for the mid afternoon rush. Now that we know the whole world loves coffee why not give that the special someone a coffee gift basket.

The first thing you must decide on is what type of basket you want to use. Baskets range from wooden bushels, paper bags or even just a box. You’ll usually have a lot of luck going to your local target or even Michaels craft store for many gift basket ideas.

Once you’ve picked your basket its time to fill it. The first thing that a coffee gift basket has in it is, of course, coffee. The coffee you select will be in the center as your main focal point. You should select a gourmet coffee that you can find at your local coffee shops or even local grocery stores. At this time of year, more than likely, the gourmet coffees are already in decorative bags. Its also a good idea to add in sample flavors of that gourmet coffee like chocolate, vanilla or a special blend.

After you pick that special coffee the next item is going to be the coffee mug. Think how you want this person to drink their coffee. Are they a person on the run a lot, so a traveling mug would work best? Or do they like to sip coffee at home on the weekends, so a nice decorative mug would suit them? Once you contemplate that idea, go to find the perfect mug to meet their needs.

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To add more flavor into the basket, a good idea would be to add different syrup flavors. Only get about three to four different kinds, that way you don’t overwhelm the gourmet coffee you chose. You can also add in an assortment of chocolates. To keep with the coffee theme, there are many stores that sell chocolate covered espresso beans. Whether or not they like espresso, it adds to the baskets theme.

Once all items have been accounted for, place the items in the basket as follows: the center of the basket will the the gourmet coffee. Along the sides will be the different syrups. Aligned in front of syrups with be the sample coffee packs. In front of the gourmet coffee bag, place the mug, and fill it with the chocolate covered espressos beans you got. The last step is to find ribbon. My choice would be brown silk ribbon with a big white bow. but, since this is a Christmas gift, red ribbons will work just fine. This type of basket can be interchangeable to different items you may find along the way.

This is just a sample of some popular items coffee lovers might like. Your coffee basket will be one gift your friend will never forget.