Lime washing is a faux finish paint technique that adds a very subtle white-washed finish to walls. The lime washing paint technique is very similar to color washing, except that the lime washing provides a white, almost chalky, finish. Many people learn how to lime wash walls because it is a fairly simple faux finish paint technique for beginners, and it is difficult to make a mistake.

To learn how to lime wash walls, you will need the following materials:

– Paint for base coat (a satin-finish works well)
– Textured Lime Wash
Color washing paintbrush (at least 3″ wide)
– Cheesecloth
Paint roller
– Paint tray
Painters tape
– Drop cloth

Before you attempt to lime wash walls, try the faux finish paint technique on a practice board, poster board, or other flat surface. This way, you can get a feel for the technique before you being on the walls.

How to lime wash walls:

STEP 1 – Use painters tape to protect any area you do not want painted. Tape around the ceiling, door frames, baseboards, and so on. Spread the drop cloth out to protect flooring.

STEP 2 – Use a paint roller to paint your walls with the base coat. Allow it to dry overnight.

TIPWhen learning how to lime wash walls, it’s important to note that once you start the process you cannot stop until you are done. Don’t begin lime washing if you cannot devote enough time to finish the job completely.

STEP 3 – Now you will begin the faux finish paint technique. Pour the textured lime wash into a paint tray, and dip your color washing paintbrush in. The lime washing paint technique requires very little product at a time, so be sure to wipe off the excess lime wash before beginning.

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STEP 4 – The lime washing paint technique is similar to the suede paint technique, in that you will be using your brush to make overlapping X’s on the wall. Begin this process in a corner, and working to your right, begin making 3″ – 4″ X’s that overlap one another. Continue forming overlapping X’s until you notice that the brush is beginning to dry out, then reapply the lime wash and continue.

OPTIONALSTEP 5 in learning how to lime wash walls can be omitted, if desired. However, if you would like to soften the look of your faux finish paint technique, you can use cheesecloth to do so. This is a very simple process, and won’t add much time to your labor. This is a step that is recommended when painting with darker paint colors.

STEP 5 – Once you have finished lime washing a small area, begin pressing the dry cheesecloth onto the painted surface. Lightly tape the entire area, moving in all directions. This will help to soften the look and add a more textured appearance. If your cheesecloth begins to feel wet from the paint, reposition it so that a dry section is being used.

** For more faux finish paint techniques, including the “Suede Paint Technique“, and ‘A Simple Guide To Sponge Painting”, please CLICK HERE.

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