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How to Install and Use an Oil Pan Heater

As the cold temperatures come down on the nation, concern grows over cold starts and the impact that they have on our cars. However, there are several ways to counter the bitter cold temperatures and the affect that is has on our cars. One way to counter that affect is by installing an oil pan heater.

An oil pan heater does exactly as the title states, it heats the oil in the oil pan of your car. An oil pan heater consists of a heating element that is wrapped in a blanket of hard but flexible silicon and has an ac power cord attached to it.

The advantages of an oil pan heater when compared to other heaters made for your car are numerous. First and foremost, an oil pan heater installs in about a half hour and requires no specials skills or tools. Second, it use very low wattage and thus very little electricity. Third, its cost is substantially lower than other types of heaters which usually have to be installed by trained professionals.

The installation of an oil pan heater is straightforward. You get under your car and located the oil pan and a suitable place for attaching the heater. You take the provided sandpaper and rough up the surface of the oil pan. You remove the adhesive backing from the oil pan heater and apply the heater to the oil pan. You run a bead of silicone around the heater and then route the ac power cord to an accessible area. Finally, you plug in the heater to activate the adhesive and you are done.

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Oil pan heaters come in various wattages dependent upon how much oil capacity your car has. For example, a typical car holds about 5 quarts of oil. An oil pan heater that is rated to heat from 3 to 6 quarts of oil is usually rated at only 150 watts. If you own a large pickup tuck, it may hold more than 12 quarts of oil. An oil pan heater rated to heat that much oil will only use 250 watts. In comparison, an engine block heater for the truck listed above could use up to 1200 watts. Since you are using lower wattages, the cost of operation is significantly reduced by using an oil pan heater over an engine block heater.

Though an oil pan heater may initially cost more than a block heater, the comparison is price requires some explanation. An oil pan heater usually runs around $50 where an engine block heater for the same car may be only $30. The oil pan heater is an easy do it yourself install. Most anyone can handle the required install steps. Many block heaters are very complicated installs, sometimes requiring remove of several engine components to install the block heater. This usually requires a professional and can cost $75 an hour or more. Therefore, comparing the initial price of an oil pan heater to an engine block heater is meaningless. An oil pan heater will almost always be cheaper and easier to install than an engine block heater.

The benefits. An oil pan heater quickly heats the oil in your car to an optimal starting temperature. This reduces engine wear and engine load when trying to start your car. An oil pan heater also helps to increase gas mileage by making it easier for the moving parts in your engine to move freely during the first few minutes of operating the car.

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Those first few minutes after your cold car has just started can be detrimental to your car. Anything to make starting easier and drive off easier will greatly benefit your car. Installation is simple, cost is low, and operation is effective. Give an oil pan heater a try and you will be satisfied.