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How to Get a Free Xbox 360 Elite and Grand Theft Auto IV, No Scams Attached

Despite its technological deficiencies compared to the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 remains a hot “Next Gen” system, and is going to feature the next installment in the increasingly popular Grand Theft Auto series this month. Many people have felt a slight apathy towards the modern generation of gaming, or have bought one system and have no desire to purchase the other, but would love to leap into the chance to complete their gaming library with a completely free copy of both Rockstar’s critically acclaimed hit, and Microsoft’s power machine that boasts subscribers that reach into the millions on the Xbox Live network.

Heck, even if you don’t really want an Xbox 360, what could it hurt getting a free one, selling it on Ebay, or trading it into GameStop? Either way, for the clamoring masses that would love the “elite” form of this system – which is a sleek black and includes a 120 gigabyte hard drive – there is an easy way to get yours without having to shell out the hefty $480 necessary for one.

The popular blog, John Cow is currently running a lottery-sweepstakes of sorts, whereby anyone is eligible to win the system along with Grand Theft Auto IV, in a completely scam free environment. These types of sweepstakes usually bring with them a deafening degree of worry: by submitting your email address in any form, for example, you are assured a barrage of emails and advertisements that will most likely force you to up and flee the email address submitted.

But this doesn’t appear to be the case with John Cow, who opened in 2007 as a kind of “SEO writing blog”, representing almost everything that free lance writing has become on the internet in recent years.

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The sweepstakes rules are all relatively simple, by entering the sweepstakes, your name is “put into a hat”, so to speak, and the winner is drawn. You can increase your chances by submitting more than one ticket – and don’t worry, no purchase is necessary, the tickets do not actually cost any money. According to John Cow, you get 250 tickets if you post a 100 word “blurb” on your blog, with a link to their sponsor, Top Hosting Center, another 250 if you become an affiliate with THC, 25 if you comment on other blogs’ latest entries about the contest, another 25 if you subscribe to their RSS Feed, and 10 if you give them a “thumbs up” on Stumble.

In essence, it is one of the most effective marketing plans on the net: convincing potentially thousands of people to advertise for your website so that they can have the chance to win a product that will have been paid for several times over with the advertising.

This is an excellent way to get your hands either on your first Next Gen System, or a chance to simply complete your library – and what’s more, it’s as free of charge as it is scam free.


John Cow
Top Hosting Center