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How to Create Homemade Scrapbook Supplies Quickly and Easily

Scrapbooking Made Easy – and Inexpensive

Scrapbooking is becoming a favorite craft of the nation, but it’s not cheap. Every time you run out of memory paper and lettering, you may be tempted to run out and buy new supplies, which gets expensive very quickly. Of course it *is* wonderful to keep part of your budget aside for your addictive hobby, but there are easier ways to create great scrapbook pages without spending so much hard-earned cash. Here are some ideas for homemade scrapbook supplies that will look just as classy as the originals.

Get “in the Zone” and Find a Work Space

(1) Find a scrapbook working space. Spread out your glue, scissors, and all other scrap pieces on a large flat surface. Try to find a room where distractions won’t be a problem, because once you’re in the “scrapping zone,” it’s very annoying to be torn away from any progress. Gather together any supplies that may already be lying around the house, like magazines (these are great to cut pictures and titles out of to create homemade stickers and lettering), glue (it has to be acid-free) and decorative scissors that may have already been purchased. Don’t throw away old paper scraps or old wrapping paper; these items can make beautiful self-created photo corners for those special candid shots.

Organization is the Key

Once you’ve got a working space, make sure to get everything organized (a filing cabinet should work nicely if it’s not be used for anything else). Scrapbook paper scraps should go in one drawer, scissors and punches in another, glues and markers in another, etc. *Never* throw any paper items out without first seeing if the scraps can be used in this new scrapbooking venture.

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Some Different Approaches to Plain Old Memory Paper

(2) Creating paper. Memory paper runs up the dollar signs, so crafty scrapbookers may decide to make their own. Granted, it won’t be as “safe” (i.e. acid-free) as traditional paper, but that’s a decision each individual scrapper will have to make. Wrapping paper, believe it or not, can be used to make sensational 8×11 or 12×12 papers. Imagine pasting kids’ Christmas photos on an actual piece of the type of paper you used to wrap their presents. It’s unique, it’s fun, and no one will have anything like it. Make sure to use paper without wrinkles or tears, as that will look ugly and won’t be suitable for a page.

For those who have a few scraps of regular scrapbook paper and none of the pieces are big enough to make a page, find a solid-color 12×12 or 8×12 paper as backing and glue the pieces together into a handmade “paper quilt.” There will be very few “scraps” to throw out if thrifty scrapbookers keep their eyes open. Scraps are easy to find just about anywhere and can be skillfully manipulated to make a great scrapbook.

Stickers Made Easy – and Original

(3) Homemade stickers. Here is another non-traditional idea: For kids’ pages, cut out pictures of flowers, little children, teddy bears, etc., from old books and magazines. These can be used as stickers if buying tons of regular stickers isn’t in your plans right now. Big letters can be clipped from the same sources; if you’re like me, lettering is one of the first things that gets used up, and this type of scrapbook supplies gets expensive to replace. To create a different kind of homemade stickers, take a picture of a child’s doll, bear, stuffed animal, or other item. Download the picture, print it, and trim around the picture. This opens the door to the idea of a self-created “sticker” that can be used to accent a child’s scrapbook page. Again, it depends on your individual stance on “acid-free.” If you’re going the traditional route, this is probably a good thing to keep in mind. If not, try anything that you can think of.

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Photo Corners are Important Too

(4) Photo corners. Wrapping paper can also be used to make beautiful photo corners. Cut out a template, and then cut three other corners using the original as a guide. Paper scraps can be used for this purpose as well. For scrapbook enthusiasts who have one of those “paper pads,” little books full of different papers to use as frames, don’t forget these pages can be used to cut out many, *many* photo corners as well.

In Conclusion –
Let’s review

—If you want to make your own stickers, use photos or print pictures to cut out.

—Homemade papers can be easily created by pasting together old paper scraps or using unique items like wrapping paper.

—Having everything organized into one work space really helps; make sure to tell family members that you *are* keeping those scraps and snippets for a reason!

—Spending tons of money on “fancy” supplies isn’t the only way to go; be thrifty and you’ll be surprised what can be created

—If you already have scissors and glue, then anything goes