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How to Clean Pet Stains in Your Home

Odor Neutralizer, Pet Stains, Steam Cleaners, Urine Odor, Urine Stains

If you love dogs and cats like I do part of owning pets is dealing with the stains they leave behind. One of the toughest pet stains to deal with is a strong pet urine odor. Pet stains can happen on carpet, hardwood floors and on furniture. All of these surfaces have special cleaning methods. Cleaning pet stains involves stain removal and odor removal.

The first step is locating soiled areas. The second step is to immediately clean the area by removing any solid or liquid pet stain. After cleaning you need to remove any odors. The final step is to discover if your pet has a medical reason for the soiling or if the pet just needs to be re-trained. If you fail to re-train your pet you will continue to find pet stains in the same area because pets will return and eliminate where they smell their own personal scent.

It is vital that you completely clean and deodorize the area that was stained because if you fail to do this pet will continue to soil in the area.

Washable items can be machine washed as usual. I add baking soda along with my regular laundry detergent in order to completely remove any pet odor. Smell the item when you take it out of the wash, if you can still smell the odor on the item, rewash the item. You can purchase an enzymatic cleaner from a pet supply store that breaks down pet-waste odors.

Carpeted areas and upholstery can first be soaked up if the stain is new and still moist. Use newspaper and paper towels to soak up the spot so it is no longer wet. Place a thick layer of paper towel down first and then the newspaper on top. Now, stand on top of the pile for a few minutes. Repeat the process until the spot is no longer wet. Now, rinse the soiled area with cool, clean water. Blot the water with a wet vac or paper towels.

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If the pet stain has already set in and is no longer wet when you find it you can use a rented extractor or your wet vac to remove the stain. Use only plain water with extractors do not use chemicals. Use a high-quality pet odor neutralizer on your carpet. If the stain does not come out try using a commercial carpet stain remover. Do not use steam cleaners to remove pet urine stains because the heat will permanently set the stain.

NOTE: Make sure that before you use a neutralizing cleaner that you rinse any old cleaner from the carpet first.

If the urine stain reached the padding under the carpet you will need to remove the carpet and padding in that area and replace it with new padding and carpet.

Walls and hard floors, as well as baseboards can be cleaned with proper cleaning solution for the type of material the floor, wall or baseboard is made of. Check all cleaning labels to be sure you are using the correct one. Discolored wood may need to be re-varnished or painted because some can react to the acid in the pet urine. The easiest to clean are enamel paints and washable wallpaper. These will clean up well using enzymatic cleaners.

NOTE: Always read instructions before using any cleaning product.