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How to Carve a Movable Wooden Chain

Wood Carving

A movable wooden chain is relatively simple to make. For this project, you will need a carving knife, the wood to carve, and some time and dedication. Your reward will be an original work of art; a wood carving which you can display with pride. Here is how to make a movable wooden chain.

Most types of wood can be used, however a good straight hardwood such as yellow popular (also known as Tulip tree) is the best one to carve. The wood should be sturdy and not prone to splitting, yet not be too hard to carve either.

Start out with a piece of wood that is an inch wide, an inch long, and about eight inches long. The wood can either be bought from a lumber store or carved from a straight branch from a tulip tree or other hardwood. On the end of the wood, draw a tic-tac-toe square on the 1×1 area to use as a guide to where to carve. With your knife, carve out the four corners so you have a board shaped like a plus sign.

With a pencil, draw out the links on the wood. Start with the top and bottom and draw what will turn out to be the every other link in the finished wood chain. These links should be about two inches long and should be back to back on the wood. Then draw the connecting links, on the sides of the plus sign. The meeting point between these links should be at the middle of the other links opposite these. Carve out the wood between the links. If you have a scroll saw, that can be used in place of a knife for carving the wood out from around the links.

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Now you get to the delicate, long part. Using the tip of your knife, carve out each link from the wood. Although a knife is a good tool, a drill can be useful for carving out the links. A method I used, but would not recommend, was picking away at the wood splinter by splinter, with a real sturdy needle. Of course, I was a kid then, and kids have unlimited free time and unlimited patience occasionally, when they really want to accomplish something. Sometimes it can take a couple hours to carve out each link. Remember, at this step, carving carefully as opposed to carving swiftly is of utmost importance.

Keep carving away until the last link is complete. Should you want to extend the wooden chain, carve another length of chain. Then carve out a single link that is split in half. Use the split link to connect the chains and glue the link together.

Carving a movable wooden chain is an accomplishment that you can cherish for years to come. The wooden chain can be exhibited at local and regional fairs, put on display in the house, and passed on as a gift to children and other relatives.