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How to Build Up Your Immune System

Serenity Prayer

Do you feel tired most of the time? Do you suffer from several bouts of colds and flu each year, and then take weeks to recover completely? Have you noticed that people around you are healthy and full of pep while you catch every illness going and never seem to have much energy?

The problem could be that you have a weak immune system. There are many factors which could contribute to this: chronic lack of sleep, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, depression, pollution, overwork, pesticides, chronic stress, food additives and excessive use of alcohol or recreational drugs.

There are definite steps which can be taken to ensure a healthier immune system and thereby a happier, more productive and more fulfilled life. All that is needed is focus, determination plus a little effort and will power. Here are a few suggestions:

* Get plenty of sleep. The body heals and rejuvenates during sleep. At least eight hours a night is recommended.

* Stop smoking. If you can’t do it cold turkey, ask your doctor for pills or patches which will make the process easier.

* Cut out junk food and eat a well-balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Don’t skip meals.

* Take a multi-vitamin every day. Ask your doctor to recommend one which is optimal for your sex and age.

*Add onions and garlic to your meals. They are natural antibacterial agents.

* Slowly increase exercise. Young people should find a sport they enjoy and participate in it on a regular basis. For older people, walking outdoors in the fresh air for half an hour daily is very helpful.

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* Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. It will flush the toxins out of your body and keep you well hydrated.

*Cut out caffeinated beverages and investigate the many varieties of herbal teas available.

* Try to cut down on worry. Say the Serenity Prayer often:

” God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.” Reinhold Niebuhr

* Take positive steps to relieve stress. Learn to be your own best friend. Take all the holidays to which you are entitled. Don’t bring work home. Don’t worry about what others think. Learn to say “No”, to people, situations, and jobs you really don’t want to be a part of your life.

In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone is pressured to accumulate the most money, to have the biggest house, the smartest children, the newest car, and to always be politically correct, it is very easy to become over-extended, chronically tired, and to suffer from a weakened immune system.

Stop and think. If you become seriously ill or worse, how will those in your family and your close friends manage without you? They may not realize how worn-out you are becoming until it’s too late. It’s up to each one of us to care for his or her own health and stay strong. Striving to maintain a healthy immune system is a large part of the battle.