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How To Build A Raised Flower Bed

Square Foot Gardening, Types of Soil

Interested in building your own raised flower beds? Well you’ve come to the right article. Raised beds are an excellent cure for many types of soil problems. Raised beds are also perfect for disabled gardeners who cannot bend to reach their plants; a raised bed can be built higher up to ensure comfort to the gardener. Building these isn’t really a tough task once you have the adequate materials; you can read many books on square foot gardening, this will give you an idea on different sizes or options you might have for building a raised flower bed. In this how-to guide I’ll explain the common way to build a raised flower bed; this should give you the adequate starting point for your project.

Things you’ll need:

Garden tools such as a rake can prove to be very useful in this project.

Stakes are also another essential part of this project, they provide the back bone of the planting bed; make sure you get high quality stakes instead of the flimsy ones that will break under minimal impact.

You will need a garden shovel, just enough to dig the flower beds into place, I would recommend using a full size shovel unless you are short, then a child sized shovel might come in with more use.

The materials you will need to build this flower bed actually depend on what your goal is. If you just want a quickie you will just need a few pieces of lumbar, but if you want the full fledged goodie you will want to get some concrete blocks and decoration rocks for the garden.

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You will need compost and topsoil for this project, preferably the correct amount of sacks judging on what size you are building your bed; I would recommend sticking with organic since it benefits the environment and your garden.

First Step:

First you will need to decide on where you want to place you bed, you should choose based on the type of plant you want to place into it. If you are planting cactuses then I would recommend placing this bed in a bright sunny part of your yard. You will want to make sure that any soil under your flower bed is loosed, if at all possible try tilling it before you begin building.

Second Step:

You should use the garden stakes to outline where exactly you want your bed place, you can also do this using garden chalk, but using the stakes is faster. Use the concrete blocks as the base on your flower bed, place them at every corner of the lumber, if you live in a windy region I would recommend using something like a wood clamp to brace them.

Third Step::

If you want your flower bed higher then what you have constructed, just continue building up. Just remember that if your flower bed goes up too high it won’t benefit the plants or you, and since we are constructing this for the good of the plants I doubt you want that to happen.

Forth Step:

You constructed your flower bed, now it is time to add the plants to the equation. Make sure to constantly water your plants so they can adjust to their new surroundings. You should also sprinkle on a fertilizer like Miracle Grow to help the plants get a nice jumpstart in life; this will help your flower bed look its best constantly.

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With this how-to article I hope you can get a fairly decent idea on building a raised flower bed, there is unlimited resources for doing this and it really costs you nothing. In the long run your plants will look better and you will have to put less working into cultivating your soil, and that means pretty little flowers for years to come.