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How to Become Environmentally Conscious

Conserve, reuse and recycle are the cardinal rules of green living. If we remember them at all times, we can be environmentally conscious in everything we use or do.

Here are some tips on how to be environmentally conscious.

Recycle plastic, paper, clothes, electronics, bulbs, etc. Have separate disposal bins for each of the items so that separation of your waste is easy. Use your state sponsored recycling program for curbside pickup or special drop off. Recycling saves items from filling up landfills where they may emit harmful chemicals as they decompose.

• Donate all your old items with a remaining life span instead of trashing them. Reuse is a good way to cut down energy expenditure involved in recycling and production. Your old furniture, clothes, shoes, electronics, etc. may find another useful home and make an under-privileged person’s life easier.

• Conserve electricity at home. Electricity typically comes from non-renewable fossil fuels. The process also releases green house gases like carbon dioxide which accelerate global warming. Use energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Consciously turn down the heater or air conditioner when you plan to be away from home. Use a space heater or fan to moderate the room temperature. Keep the envelope around your home air tight with proper insulation. After charging your devices like laptops, cell phones, etc., unplug them to conserve electricity.

• Use water responsibly. Repair leaky faucets in your home. Run your laundry washer and dishwasher only when you have a full load. Water you lawn adequately but do not run the sprinklers longer than needed.

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• Make your own compost at home for your lawn and garden. Use your kitchen wastes like vegetable and fruit peels and rinds, dry leaves, flowers and seedless weeds from your garden, sawdust, etc. to prepare the compost. This avoids the wastes from clogging up landfills and diverts them to fertilize your soil.

• Remember to look for locally produced items when you shop for fresh produce, food, flowers, etc. If all of us support this, we can save a lot of non-renewable fossil fuel energy involved in transporting them over great distances.

Changing to greener living can be a little challenging at first. Here are some tips on how to smoothly transition to a green life.

• Recognize and understand that our current lifestyle produces too much waste that is hurting our health and environment. The rate at which our wastes are leeching toxins into the environment is accelerating rapidly while our non-renewable natural resources are depleting. If we do not act now, this world is going to be a difficult and unhealthy place for our children. This awareness is sufficient motivation to make the transition to a greener life.

• Remind yourself to be environmentally conscious by placing a recycle-logo on your computer desktop or cell phone screen. Print a logo and hang it on your kitchen wall or refrigerator.

• Inspire your family about going green. Educate your children so that they adopt a greener lifestyle when they are young. Encourage green crafts and projects. Surrounding yourself with people who care will help you make the transition.

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• Devise a simple system for your recycling needs – have separate bins for different types of wastes. If you have a system, you will not be lazy about following the rules.

• Spread the idea of going green amongst friends. Always give green gifts carrying the message of environmental consciousness. Host green parties to show your friends what it takes to live green. Setting an example will help you strengthen your convictions and overcome your resistance to going green.

• Slip into you green lifestyle gradually. Do not overwhelm yourself with all the changes at once. Introduce a couple of green things every month and follow them diligently before you add newer lifestyle changes.