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Homeopathic Remedies for Warts

Senile, Warts

A wart is a small epidermal and papillary elevation of the skin and is also known as verruca. These are actually benign tumors that are caused by the infection of a virus called the HPV or human papilloma virus. Warts may vary in location, symptoms and shape, and accordingly, different types of remedies are administered.

Warts are called innocent growths as they do not really cause any harm, and are most often removed for cosmetic reasons. Contrary to what people generally believe, warts do not have roots, i.e. they are not deep-seated but grow only on the uppermost layer of the skin called the epidermis. Children and young adults are the persons who are most commonly affected. Warts are mildly contagious and last for anywhere between a few weeksto quite a few years.

However, senile warts are due to nutritional changes in the skin, incident to old age, while veneral warts occur due to contact with a local irritating secretion which may contain a causal germ. Warts are thus contagious growths of dead skin cells and remain on the outer layer of skin. There is no treatment other than surgical removal in conventional system of medicine. However, homeopathy has excellent remedies.

Thuja occidentalis 1M is the remedy of choice when the warts are cauliflower-like in shape, occur in crops, are moist to touch and bleed easily. These warts appear chiefly on the back of the head. One dose weekly for three weeks is to betaken.

Causticum 1M is effective when the warts are solid, flat on the surface of the neck, face, eyelids, and tip of nose and on the fingers. One dose every week, for three weeks, need to be administered.

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Calcarea carbonica 1M is indicated when warts are itching, bleed easily and soft and spongy and have a stinging sensation. One dose every week should be taken and this continued for two weeks.

Dulcamara 1M is useful when warts are on the back of hands, large in size, fleshy and smooth to touch. One dose should be taken per week for three weeks.

Ferrum picricum 30 efficiently heals warts which appear on the palms and are painful, or occur on the soles of feet and are known as corns, and are yellow in color. The medicine should be taken three times a day for two weeks.

Acidum nitricum 1M is to be selected for pendunculated warts that bleed easily, are painful and large in size. Every week for three weeks one dose is to be taken.

Antimonium 6C is indicated in cases of hard warts accompanied by the formation of a callus. One dose is to be taken every 12 hours for three weeks.

Natrum carbonicum 6C is the remedy that is used in case of weeping, ulcerated warts occurring on the tips of the toes. One dose every 12 hours for three weeks is the prescribed dose.

Natrum muriaticum 6C is indicated for warts that occur on palms having a propensity towards sweating. One dose every 12 hours is to be taken for three weeks or until the infestation is eliminated.

Sepia is the remedy of choice for large black warts that have hair growing from them.

It is advisable to consult an experienced homeopathy practitioner if the above medicines fail to improve your condition.