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Home Remedies for Upset Stomach

Fresh Mint, Ginger Tea, Upset Stomach

If you have ever suffered from upset stomach then you know how debilitating it can be, especially when you don’t have the proper medication on hand to deal with it. To help to prevent that from happening I have some home remedies for upset stomach that are easy to make and inexpensive too.

Homemade cinnamon tea: Making your own cinnamon tea is a great at home remedy for an upset stomach. To make your own tea, heat up a cup of water and add a half a teaspoon of cinnamon and mixing gently. If you would like to add more flavor to your tea you can also add a small amount of honey.. Cinnamon works, because it helps to stimulate digestion as well as calm the stomach acids.

Ginger tea: I drink ginger tea from time to time to help with my sore joints, but ginger is also a great way to help calm the stomach. Ginger like cinnamon, helps to stimulate the proper flow of your digestive system and also helps to promote proper blood flow. It’s ability to promote proper blood flow is why it helps with sore muscles and joints. If you would like to make your own ginger tea, simply heat a cup of water and add a teaspoon of ground ginger, mixing thoroughly.

Fresh mint: My great grandmother used to say that fresh mint was a great way to get rid of an upset stomach. One day I decided to try it and low and behold chewing on some fresh mint leaves got rid of my stomach ache in no time. If you would like to make a mint tea instead, simply steep the leaves in hot water for ten minutes.

Munch on some celery: Fresh celery is a great way to get rid of an upset stomach, because it is high in fiber which helps to promote proper digestion and it also works as a base to help to calm your stomach acids. Celery is also really easy for your body to digest and as a result it will not aggravate or stir your stomach acids.

Eat a banana: Bananas are high in potassium and enzymes which help to regulate and balance your stomach acids. Bananas are considered a base because they are not highly acidic and as a result they help to calm your stomach which is upset due to high acidic content.

Drink a sprite: Drinking a sprite can work wonders for getting rid of an upset or sick stomach. Natural Lemon Lime sodas have been shown to help get rid of headaches as well as upset stomachs and having tried this method numerous times I can say that drinking a sprite really does work.

Eating dark chocolate: I love dark chocolate, because it is healthy for you in many ways, but I also love it, because it is a nice way to ease an upset stomach. Dark chocolate is loaded with anti-oxidants and it acts as a great base to coat your stomach and protect it from acidic buildup.

Drink lots of water: A lot of the time the reason we have an upset stomach is because we eat something that is way too acidic or is something that the body can’t easily digest. As a result, drinking a lot of water when you have an upset stomach helps to regulate proper digestion and also gives your body the amount of water it needs to fight toxins in the stomach and balance the stomach acids.