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Hidden Genocide in America

It has pretty much became a reality that the cards are stacked against the lower-class and middle-class in the United States. The sad part is the fact that a person can be superficial and realize how bad it is. Thinking past what’s obvious to the eyes in America brings out a darker truth. America has practically turned into a nation of genocide–the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group (dictionary.com ).

Genocide is a very strong word indeed, and people may say that none of that would ever occur in the United States. While focusing primarily on the lower-class and people it the state of poverty–the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support (dictionary.com), which is above forty-nine million (49,000,000) in the United States. Poverty is a strong word, but it is amazing how that number does not make anyone proofread while reading or hearing it. A lot of people just move on as if poverty is a good thing. The reality of it all is the fact that people in the American society have become too acceptable for their own good.

Another example for a time that a certain class of people were too acceptable is during slavery. In particular, slaves were to acceptable to conditions. Many people wonder how could they really put up with being slaves. Most of them felt like they had no choice, which is pratically true in many cases. But at the same time, not having knowledge of, or being superficial to reality is a key to being in such a position. That’s one reason why the slave owners did not want the slaves to be educated.

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Speaking of being educated, many CEOs and other company executives do not like to hire someone that is intelligent. They prefer to hire someone that is either unable to recognize the strings they pull, or someone that has enough sense to act like they do not recognize it. One thing executives hate is for you to question their methods, especially if you ask them why are they doing the wrong thing. In most cases you have the choice to either act like you forgot what you noticed, or lose your job. Supervisors typically hate intelligent workers. They prefer someone that they can control like a slave, or “politcally correct,” like a child. By the way, it is important to not that children are the primary victims to the genocide in America.

America has always been about money, but we have come to an era of greed. Many decisions made in America have no concern for how it will hurt someone, just how it will help the person, or corporation, I guess I could have just said “the person,” making the decision. If pharmaceutical companies were not regulated to the degree they are, many more people would be dead. Truth be known that they need to be more strongly regulated. Do not say that to a Republican, he/she will say that the Food & Drug Administration needs to go, but that’s another topic.

While referring to food and health, that is a primary area where genocide is taking place in America. Most people living in poverty have almost no choice but to eat unhealthy. Fast food restaurants are placed in areas to target those kind of people. It does not take a genius to realize that fast food is unhealthy. Also important to point out that if someone goes grocery shopping, it is very expensive to shop for healthy food. Hostess, which is a company known for selling bread and snacks, is particularly guilty of charging more for smaller and more health-wise snack cakes compared to larger unhealthy snack cakes. It is very hard to eat healthy, especially when funds are limited. This is taking a toll on the lower-class and many middle-class families. Along with poor diets, often comes poor health and diseases. Well healthcare definitely is not that great for the lower-class and middle-class with that said. So it is almost impossible to prevent health problems. If you take the advice of Herman Cain “Blame yourself.” He’s a cancer survivor, so if he was able to afford healthcare, then he feels that everybody should be able to. I guess he would also include some of the employees he laidoff as CEO.

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With the mentioning of CEOs, the finance market is completely set up against the lower-class. Am I the only one that realized that it is all a big trap. Check cashing places and other secondary lending sources usually like to do business in an area with a lot of strugging people. Charging interest rates as high as 300%. Many of them depend on the fact that the customer will not be able to pay them off, so the customer will practically be stuck with them. Most banks will not lend them money with a lower interest rate for a number of reasons, so these other companies become predators and seek out the people. They love to play off of people’s ignorance. When it all comes down to it, someone may need some money to pay their lights, and it is good to be able to get some help. But the reality of the situation is the fact that they just added a new bill and subtracted from their monthly income. If the interest rates were not so high, then their payments would be lower and they would be able to afford to pay back the loans. That goes without mentioning all of the air that is attached to the loans; air as in, insurance. Sometimes the insurance and closing fees attached to loans from secondary lending sources can cost more than the money borrowed.

At the end of the day, with healthcare, health, and finance stacked against the lowerclass and middleclass. So how is the American dream suppose to be achieved? You practically have to be rich to get the real benefits of society. Over 49-million are currently living in poverty and many people are ignoring the true reality. Corporations and the people of corporations are more concerned with their bottomline, than they are with the moral reality. The American dream is just that; a dream. There is not modern class warfare this is genocide.